Chapter 16 - Phir Mulaqat Hogi Kabhi

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Abir reached his hostel and entered his room. As knocked, another boy of same age opened the door. His social anxiety kicked in again. Abir went in shyly and settled on his bed. The boy looked at him and spoke –

- You are Abir Choudhary, right?

Abir: Yes...

- Hi.... I'm Sudheer Patel.

Abir: Hello. Nice to meet you.

Sudheer: So now we are roommates for the next 2 years.

Abir: I guess so.....

Sudheer: Ok so you settle down. I'm going down to meet some friends. You can come, if you want to.

Abir: No, I'm fine. You carry on.

Sudheer: Ok......

Sudheer left the room. The loneliness hit Abir hard. He started missing his friends too much.

Time passed. At first, Abir found it hard to adjust there but gradually got habituated. There was not even a single day when he didn't miss his old life in Kolkata. But he had no one to blame. He himself, choose this life and he had to live it. He was connected to his friends through phone but that was just occasionally.

He spoke to Nilanjana for first few months and then the topics of discussion seemed to have faded. So after a time they stopped talking over phone and changed to texts. But that too didn't last for long and they lost touch.

Calendars changed, people changed and so did Abir. He evolved from a boy to a man. His appearance changed. He no longer wore specs and shifted to lenses. He kept trimmed beard. Though he changed his appearance but couldn't do anything of his heart. He just wanted to return to Kolkata and just sit on his terrace, admiring the beauty on the bong environment. But that didn't happen. He soon passed his MBA course and got a job offer from the campus placements. It was the city based job, so he had to settle in Bangalore. It was a good job so he didn't have any reason to turn it down. Sudheer too got a job, but in a different company. So they decided to rent a flat together.

On the other hand Rudra got a job in a multinational company, but was working from Kolkata. He stayed with Mihir's mother as Mihir followed his passion and took up photography as his career. He too moved out of the city and was residing in Pune, but visited Kolkata often. Shreeja was doing her PhD, and along with that she started a freelancing job. Rudra and Shreeja were well together in their relationship. Everyone was established except Nilanjana. Abir knew nothing of her. Whenever he asked something about her, the rest diverted the topic. And Abir's ego didn't let him speak to Nilanjana directly.

Abir moved to their new house. Soon his parents went to Bangalore to visit him. Abir wanted to ask them about Nilanjana but changed his mind later.

Like this, 7 years passed by. The friends spoke less but their bond was strong just like old times. Abir's parents visited him every year but he didn't return to Kolkata.

All these years he seemed to have lost Nilanjana completely. But sometimes he still remembered her. He still had the watch that she gifted him. He wore it on special occasions. He wrote about her in his diary sometimes. He wrote that how much he wanted the things to work and how much hurt he was when it didn't. "Bade acche lagte hain" was not just his favorite song anymore, rather it turned into her memory. He may have lost the person, but her memories were still fresh with him. Whenever he listened to that song, it didn't feel like 7 years. It felt as if yesterday, when he saw her for the last time on their terrace. He wanted to go their again and listen to that song again, but with her that time. But some wishes, remain unfulfilled.

One evening, Abir returned home early from work and was having his dinner, when his phone rang. It was a group video call from Rudra, Mihir and Shreeja. He received the call –

Abir: Hii guys!

Everyone: Helloo....

Mihir: Bro, Rudra is about to give some big news...

Abir: What news?

Mihir: I don't know yet.......Oh! Comon Rudra. You know I can't hold suspense...

Rudra: Ok fine, Shreeja are you ready?

Shreeja: Yes go for it....

Abir: Where is this going????

Rudra: So you guys already know that Mamoni (Mihir's Mom) approved of Shreeja long back. And she met Shreeja's parents last month.....

Mihir: AND???????

Shreeja: And both the family agreed to our relation...


It could be seen on the screen that Mihir literally jumped on hearing the news. Abir was surprised too.

Mihir: Are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!

Abir: I can't explain what I'm feeling right now.... This is such a great news guys.... Congratulations......Can't wait to see you as Bride and Groom.

Shreeja: Yes Abir, but you have to come here in Kolkata for that. I will not marry until all my friends are here for our big day.

Abir: Of course I will be there yaar.... How can I miss this? Just let me know the dates when you confirm, so that I can apply for a leave.

Rudra: We are planning for 20th of next month.

Mihir: Hey that will be great. I am coming to Bangalore on 9th for a project. It's a one day work. After that I can catch up with Abir and return to Kolkata together on 11TH?

Abir: Perfect for me!

Rudra: That will be so good! We will finally have a reunion after 7 years!

Abir: (serious) Hey, is she coming for the wedding?

Rudra: I don't know. Shreeja said that she would talk to her.

Shreeja: I don't have her new number. And it would feel so awkward to go her house after all these years.

Abir: hmmm........

Mihir: Abir, You still......

Abir: Leave it guys.

Shreeja: Accept it now atleast.

Abir: Accept what?

Rudra: That you LOVE her!

Abir: I have to go now.... I have some work.....Lets meet soon ok....

Everyone: Yeah bye....

He kept the phone aside and heaved a sigh.

Abir's POV:

I can't believe that I will return back home and not see her!! It's not done. How can you do this Nilanjana? Forget me. Shreeja and you were best friends... How can you miss her wedding? I don't know how did you change so much? You just ghosted everyone... And I am nothing but a fool still waiting for you! Why can't I just forget you and move on?

Inner voice – Because you love her idiot!!!!!!!!!!

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