Chapter 30 - Hai Apna Dil Toh Awaara!

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Abir opened the door and moved to help with the luggage while Nilanjana greeted Drishti.

Nilanjana: Hello. I'm Nilanjana!

Drishti: (trying to smile) Hi, nice to meet you.

Drishti Saha was a girl of average height. Her skin tone was neither too fair, nor too dark. Her opened highlighted hair was touching her chest perfectly. She was wearing a black embroidered kurti. Her eyes were dark brown. To summarize she could be actually be termed as a pretty woman.

Abir came in to her and extended his hand saying hello.

Drishti: (shaking hands) Hii, you must be Abir?

Abir: Yes!

Rudra went to Nilanjana and whispered,

Rudra: Where is Mihir?

Nilanjana: He got up late and just rushed to take a bath.

Rudra: Ufff, this boy can never be serious...

Shreeja introduced Drishti to everyone and then said –

Shreeja: Now let's go to our room. You must be tired after the journey. Get fresh and then we'll meet for breakfast. Nilanjana you also come.

Shreeja called for one of the workers and asked her to arrange for hot piping Kachori and Jalebi.

Drishti and Nilanjana picked up the bags and followed Shreeja to their room, while Rudra and Abir went to the garden area. The caretaker served them tea.

After half an hour Mihir came.

Rudra: Late again!!

Mihir: Sorry, sorry... Where is your sister in law?

Abir: Getting fresh. She'll join for breakfast.

Mihir: Great. I will meet her properly then.

They sat for another round of gossips just when the girls came in.

As soon as Mihir's eyes fell on Dristi, he was mesmerized. He unknowingly stood up from his chair and was staring at her. She didn't pay much attention to that but for Mihir time had stopped. He never expected to see such a gorgeous lady in front of him. For the first time ever in his life, the flirt Mihir was turned off and the actual Mihir was out of words to start a conversation.

The girls went ahead to sit while Mihir offered his chair to Dristi. She gladly accepted it. Mihir finally moved close to her and said –

Mihir: Ahemm..... I'm Mihir by the way. We didn't meet before....

Dristi: Ohh yeah.... Hello. I'm Drishti, nice to meet you.

Mihir: My pleasure!

He then moved to sit with the other boys. The maid served them with the food. They started eating along with a gossip session.

It was mainly them and Drishti knowing each other. Drishti declared that she was fashion designer in Mumbai and was currently working as an assistant under a leading fashion house. But after her father's death she is taking a break.

Nilanjana informed that she too was settled in Mumbai and both found out that their addresses were not very far from each other.

After basis discussion, Rudra asked –

Rudra: So now that we all are here, what is the plan for the next two days before our relatives jump in here?

Shreeja: There are few places to visit nearby which we can cover in a day.

Mihir: Ok and after that?

Abir: We can just stay in and chill?

Nilanjana: Oh come on Abir, don't be a spoil sport. I have heard that there are many hidden temples within these small villages. It would be so adventurous to find them and visit them.... What say?

Dristi: Sounds interesting....

Mihir: Yeah it will be so fun. (Mihir said in affirmation to Dristi)

Rudra: We can go but remember one thing, our families should not know about it. Otherwise they would be furious, especially my father in law.

Shreeja laughed on that. They all finished their food when the maid came in to collect the dishes. Mihir stopped her and asked –

Mihir: Mashi, you are local here right?

Maid: Yes dadababu!

Mihir: So, is there any old temple here which we can visit?

Maid: Ummmm...... There is a very old temple on the other side of the river. We locals call it "Buro Thakurer Mandir". It is almost 100 years old. The first Zamindar here built it with the help of the villagers. At first people from faraway came here to witness the puja in that temple but with passing time the temple lost its fame and people stopped visiting it. The temple is nearly ruined and demolished now but still on every Purnima, the local priest goes there to perform puja. There is an old Shivling. The villagers say that God there is very active and it fulfils whatever wish you ask for.

Nilanjana: That's so cool. Listen we should surely go there!!

Maid: Didi, if you want to go there then I'll suggest that you all go today itself, because it is Purnima tonight.

Mihir: That's surely the cherry on cake. Ok then decided, we will go there after lunch today.

Rudra: Ok you'll drive then.

Before Mihir could reply the maid started laughing.

Maid: This is village babu. Here your big car cannot pass through the narrow jungles. You have to walk on your feet to reach the devotee. After crossing the river, ask anyone and they will guild you to the temple.

Abir: Now this is what excites me; long walks on unknown destination. I love this.

They all nodded and decided to start for the temple immediately after lunch, so that they can get back before it gets dark.

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