Chapter 40 - Ishaara!

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Two days passed normally. Drishti left for Mumbai. Everyone including Mihir went to the airport to drop her.

Abir invited the newlywed along with others to his home for a celebration. There they ate, gossiped and enjoyed a lot. In between that Abir informed the couple about his decision. Rudra and Shreeja praised him for that.

Days passed like this and it was finally when Rudra and were to leave for Florida. Rudra got a new job posting there so there was no tension. All the families and friends went to the airport to see them off.

Rudra hugged Mihir and said –

Rudra: Take care of mamoni.

Mihir: I surely will dude. You take care of Shreeja and enjoy your new life.

Rudra smiled and hugged him again. Then he turned to Abir.

Abir: I will miss you again bro!

Rudra: Same here. But I'm happy that now atleast you have someone. You are not alone anymore. Apart from that we will meet once every year, I promise.

Abir hugged him. On the other hand Shreeja and Nilanjana were having an emotional farewell. As they controlled their tears, Shreeja and Rudra went in the security checking leaving the city with numerous memories of their love story.

Later that night, Nilanjana was in her room writing content for a publisher when Abir called her.

Nilanjana picked the phone but continued to write as she spoke –

Nilanjana: Yep?

Abir: Busy?

Nilanjana: Not really; was working on content, but I have time for the deadline...

Abir: Good. So come to my terrace.

Nilanjana: Now? It's too late Abir!

Abir: Why? Are you afraid of darkness?

Nilanjana: Don't try to act smart by repeating my exact words!!!

Abir: (baby voice) Nilu!! Please come... I really have something important to say!

Nilanjana ignored at first but ultimately had to agree to Abir's childish nagging. She took a stole and went towards Abir's building.

The terrace door was already opened. As she entered, she saw Abir sitting on the fence wall, facing the Hooghly River. She went towards him and Abir helped him to sit beside him.

Nilanjana: Tell me now what is it?

Abir: Umm... I was missing you.

Nilanjana passed a shy smile and said,

Nilanjana: Why suddenly?

Abir: I came here and I was missing our old times. Like do you remember this is the place where we first spoke properly.

Nilanjana: Yes off-course I remember. I was not happy of shifting to a new place and then found a friend in you who made me feel like home.

Abir: And this is the place where I started realizing that I might have some feelings for you...

Nilanjana wrapped her hands around Abir and said,

Nilanjana: But you never let me see that.

Abir smiled. They started recalling the old good memories and stayed quiet. After few minutes of complete silence Nilanjana asked,

Nilanjana: So, What's now?

Abir took a deep breath and answered –


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