Gojo-sensei has a sister?!

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Playing--> Under The Influence

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Playing--> Under The Influence


It was just another usual day where Itadori Yuuji and his two close friends, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara, were sent to a mission. Their location was apparently an abandoned warehouse which had been reported to have sighted strange creatures at night only, which supposedly ate humans.

The windows suggested that the said curse may be second or third grade, so Gojo Satorou decided to send the kids on their own, assuring them that he'll join the gang later.

After some shopping, of course.

So here they were, cautiously entering the dark, unguarded warehouse in the literal middle of the night. The large metal doors creaked open to let the three teens inside, Nobara mumbling 'ew, ew, ew!' under her breath as the musky scent wafted to their noses.

"Ne, Fushiguro-kun, Nobara-san, do you guys sense anything?" Itadori asked carefully, eyeing the premises.

"No, it's almost as if..." Nobara replied, brows furrowed in confusion.

"As if the curse has concealed itself," Fushiguro confirmed, the three taking it as their cue to split up and look around.

Oi, brat.

Yuuji knocked his head twice and concentrated on locating the curse.

I know you hear me you brat, stop ignoring me!

"What is it, Sukuna?!" Yuuji snapped at the king of curses stuck inside him. Ever since they stepped in the vicinity of this warehouse, Sukuna had been pestering him endlessly.

"The one you're looking for is near." A sinister looking mouth opened on Yuuji's cheek.

The male stopped in his tracks. "What do you mean? Where is it?"

"Switch with me, then I'll tell yo-"

"Nope, not gonna happen." Itadori continued walking around after slapping his cheek, meeting up with his friends soon after as the area seemed to connect.

I swear I'll kill all the things you hold dear, brat, just wait till i-

"So did you guys find anything?" Itadori asked his friends loudly to shut out the curse king's voice. His friends shook their head no, both hopelessly frustrated like him.

"Shall we check the upper floors?" Fushiguro suggested, craning his neck since the warehouse was fairly large.

"Argh!" Nobara growled at the air. "It's totally useless, there's nothing he-"

𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍  (ᴶʲᵏ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ) ONESHOTS Where stories live. Discover now