Hanako-san of the Bathroom [Ghost!Sukuna x reader]

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Playing ---> tiny light

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Playing ---> tiny light


You were so fucked up. You always knew that. But today, or tonight, you committed a greater level of utter fuckery. And of course, like always, you regretted your idiotic mistakes. However this time, the level of their idiocy surprised even you.

You had just finished reading and binge watching Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun in two days. That series had a wonderful art style, great characters and a hell lot of angst and comedy, skillfully combined to grant its reader the perfect experience.

But you got so engrossed in its lore that you decided something. Your school was big and old, had three floors exactly and had really clean bathrooms. And, almost too coincidentally, the third corridor bathrooms on the third floor were off limits.

You were very, very drunk on sugar, caffeine and anime that you decided to pack some of your stuff and secretly break in your school since you lived alone.

Yes. You were breaking in school, not to change your test sheets or to steal your exam files, no. You, Yn Ln, were breaking in your school just to knock on an abandoned bathroom stall’s door and call out a possibly hostile ghost. You may even end up dead.

Yeah, you were extremely bright, no doubt.

So here you were, closing and locking the bathroom door behind you as you had very skillfully avoided your annoyed asf janitor with piercings.

Taking off your (f/c) colored backpack with your favorite anime character on it, you took out a flashlight/torch and turned it on. You hugged your hoodie with one arm while the other held the torch, lighting up the room for you. Slowly, you advanced the third cubicle, your heartbeat and the light sound of your feet tapping against the floor coupled with your slightly shaky breaths seemed to be echoing in the empty bathroom.

This was it, you were gonna do it. All right, here goes nothing. Swiftly, you knocked thrice and then called out in a meek whisper.

“Hanako-san, Hanako-san, Hanako-san, are you there?”

Nothing. So you waited, gripping the torch tightly and readying it to swing at whoever or whatever tries to spook you. When nothing happened, you smiled to yourself and shook your head.

Why would a handsome or beautiful ghost appear for you? You of all people? Impossible-

The cubicle door creaked open, making you let out a yelp coupled with a cursed word. Last you remembered, the windows were closed. Fuckin closed!

Reddish light and mist seemed to form behind the door, a large silhouette forming. Excitement and fear simultaneously bubbled within you. And you being the desperate degenerate you were, you kicked the door open with a wide grin and closed eyes.

“whAT THE FUACK WAS THAT FOR?!” a loud, extremely angry voice complained, scaring you. You opened your eyes to see a tall man with creamy colored robes, sharp black nails, soft looking hair and black tattoos on his face and arms. Your flashlight illuminated his features perfectly, but it also highlighted his extremely pissed off look.

Oh dayum. You’re sure now that you’re gonna die.

At least this ghost is a hottie.

Like damn papi can step on you and you’d prolly apologize to him for being too insignificant.

“Hey, brat, are you going to keep on ogling at me or say something?” The ghost snapped his fingers in front of your dazed face.

“Oh, uh, hi! Can’t believe you existed,” You finally stammered out, eyes bright with wonder even though the apparition in front of you could kill you in less than a second.

“Yeah, me neither,” he replied sarcastically, looking down on you with a scowl, arms crossed over his chest, revealing veiny, bulky arms. 

You wish they’d choke yo-ahem.

*Sprays anti-horny water on you*

“-so anyways, even if you’re not a girl, you don’t resemble Yugi Amane from JSHK, so it’s kind of a surprise that I could summon you. I kinda wished for a hot sugar mommy kinda girl but you’ll do as well, though you do look pretty dang hawt ngl-“ You would’ve kept on rambling for days if the apparition didn’t pinch your lips together, causing a blush to creep on your cheeks from embarrassment.

“Blegh, wait you can touch me?!” you asked after pulling away and wiping your mouth from those nasty toilet germs.

“Well no shit, dumbass. You summoned me,” the apparition stated, checking his dark nails. You slowly backed away and flipped on the light, looking behind you to finally gaze at your ghost.

“hOLY FRICKOOS BRO ARE YOU AKAZA’S TWIN OR SUM SHI-“ you whisper screamed at the poor ghost who had to shove his hands on your mouth to keep you shut.

“Enough with that pink basketball crap!” the ghost hissed, his own face red with embarrassment and anger. “Not only the other idiots, but you too are comparing me to that fuckin copycat!”

“Woah you have friends?” Your previously sparkling eyes now became dull, an eerie smile taking over your face. “Damn, even a ghost has friends and I don’t.”

“I can’t imagine why.” He tried to discreetly kill you but a force seemed to hold him back.

“Hey!” you stood up straight, kind of scaring the ghost in front of you. How were you not scared of him? He tried to kill you like right now? Either you were dumb as fuck, or a fuckin masochist. Or both, who knows.

“What’s your name?” You leaned in close, making the ghost glower at you with a frown. “Should I call you Hanako-san? Or Hanako-chan? Ooh, can I call you Akaza-chan? Walmart Akaza? Oh oh, how about-“

“It’s Ryomen Sukuna to you, human. Not Hanako-san, not Akaza or any of that crap.” Oh he was pissed, veins popping on his face from anger. No way in hell were you gonna call him a dog.

“Oh nice, I’m Ln Yn, the one who summoned you,” You gave the ghost a lopsided smirk. “Anyways, I’ve come prepared with my wish.”

“You do know that I’ll take something incredibly dear to you as payment?” Sukuna’s teeth poked out, a maniacal grin stretching on his face. Honestly, it would’ve scared any sane person, but your smile matched his. You, actually, were the one who scared him.

“Ryomen Sukuna, I wish for you to become my boyfriend!”

A moment of silence for Sukuna. His face turned from surprised to angered and then to scared. His previously tan face turned paper white as he backed up from you, your sheer aura and menacing smile scaring the shit outta his thousand year old ass.

“No can do.”

“Oh yes you can, asshole.” You snapped, arms crossed and advancing the poor ghost. He was uncharacteristically scared of you. “You gave me your real name, just because I teased you a bit. And as I’m never wrong when it comes to things I’m actually passionate about, I know very well for a fact that as I’ve summoned you and know your name, you belong to me. Which means,” You chuckled, picking up your bag and slung it on your shoulder. Your hair seemed to cast a shadow on your face.

“You gotta do whatever the fuck I tell ya, okay?”

Sukuna couldn’t help but shrivel a bit, every bit of his powerful being warning him that this very mortal may end his thousand year legacy if he denied her. Since she was able to summon a powerful apparition like him, no doubt she possessed more abilities as well.

And here he thought he would be able to kill a human or two.

Guess he’ll have to take something dear from you as well, be it your favorite book or even your virginity.


𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍  (ᴶʲᵏ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ) ONESHOTS Where stories live. Discover now