Fushiguro Megumi x reader|Shadow Puppets

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Playing-----> Shadow of Mine

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Playing-----> Shadow of Mine

“Gumi, show me one more time, please!” you whisper shouted urgently to your deadpanning friend, your tiny hands desperately trying to imitate his longer ones.

“Hmm, all right, watch carefully,” he murmured back to you, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. His finger connected to form a bunny on the wall opposite you both, you trying your best to copy his moments. Your eyebrows scrunched adorably, lower lip tucked under your teeth in concentration.

Alas, as your tiny fingers couldn’t properly make a decent shape, you gave up, pouting and looking down sadly at your hands. Megumi almost laughed, you were too adorable. He couldn’t help but reach his own hands out, lifting your little ones and helping you make shadow puppets.

The feeling of your skin against his was like a breath of fresh air, your soft and supple skin reminded him of your innocence and pure heart. It reminded him of all those he had to protect.

His large, rough yet surprisingly gentle hands felt so warm and inviting against yours, so you savored the moment, ignoring your jumpy stomach and racing heart.

Megumi kept his hold on your hands for a few seconds longer, wishing that this moment would last forever. Lightning once again illuminated his room from outside, making you flinch a bit at the loud noise that followed it.

It was no secret that thunder scared you ever since you had barely escaped a disastrous earthquake which came on a day very much like this. Knowing this particular information, Megumi dragged you towards his warm and inviting body. His large arms wrapped around your tiny frame, making you straddle his lap and bury your reddening face in his shoulder.

“’m sorry…” you mumbled bashfully, your hot breath fanning Megumi’s neck which caused the male’s breathing to hitch and face heat up.

“Don’t be, I don’t mind it. It’s okay for you to be scared, everyone’s scared of something,” The normally stoic boy replied, snuggling his face in your hair and breathing in the fresh and familiar scent of peaches.

You smiled gladly, hugging him tighter and wanting to just drown yourself in him. The way he appreciates every single fibre of your self just makes your heart melt and your knees buckle, for you never thought that someone might like you that much.

In moments like these, both you and Megumi don’t mind it if the weather’s stormy.


that was short, i know, but i have my exams going on and i didn't want to lose my motivation for this book so here's a small chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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