Inumaki Toge x reader (genderbend fluff)

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Playing ---> Love Nwantiti x Habibi

Last night was fun. You, along with your friends and the first years, had a movie marathon in your dorm room. It was fun, even when Gojo-sensei had decided to barge in with a bag full of your favorite sweets. Yup, your uncle had always been there to spoil his dead sister’s daughter.

You woke up with a dazed mind, vision slightly hazy and throat unbelievably hoarse when you yawned. Shrugging to yourself, you got off from your bed. Strange, did you change the sheets as they weren’t the usual color you remembered them to be.

A knock on the door caught your attention so you dismissed your bed. Your tired feet shuffled towards the door, swinging it open with a little to much force. Instead of your roommate next door Maki, Yuuji was the one to greet you.

“Oh, hi Yuuji,” you yawned, leaning against the door frame. The boy in front of you froze, previously bright and happy face turning pale with shock.

You barked a laugh, not noticing your voice when you spoke again. “What’re you so scared for, Yuu? You look like you’ve seen a ghost –“ before your sentence could’ve finished, Yuuji screeched like a highschool girl and backed into the wall as if he really had seen a ghost.

“Huh? Why are ya turning into a lizard Yuu?” you chuckled nervously, the invisible shockwaves escaping your face hitting the poor boy. With a broken expression, he now tried to climb the wall, slipping down in the process.

Now fear gripped you, your gaze slowly drifting towards your manly hands, pulling down the zipper of your hood and then staring incredulously at your toned abs.

Light pattering of feet interrupted your movements, and you saw yourself, no, your body. It looked back at you with a mixture of unknown emotions. It finally hit you, why your room seemed different. Why your voice was so deep and why Yuuji felt like crawling into a ditch forever when you unconsciously ordered him around.

Simultaneously, both you and your doppelganger fell on your knees and screamed.

“I HAVE BOOBS!” Inumaki Toge hollered in your voice, hugging himself with joy or despair, no one could tell. However, you knew what you were feeling. Remembering Toge’s vocabulary, you slammed your fists against the floor in agony.


But a simple “okaka” couldn’t sum up your flurry of emotions.

𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍  (ᴶʲᵏ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ) ONESHOTS Where stories live. Discover now