chapter 5

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It was now time for the meeting with Ubba and Guthrum.  Aethelreda is the only woman present with her being in the council.  

"So you're Alfred?  The king of Wessex?"  Guthrum aks as he and Ubba walks into the tent.  

"I am. You're Earl Guthrum?"  Alfred asks in return.  

"Yes.  If you want peace,  You'll have to pay"  Guthrum tells them.  

Alfred looks at Ubba "You're earl Ubba? Welcome."  

Ubba looks at Alfred "Speak."  

Aethelreda was shocked hearing someone adress her brother like that.  But they were danes so they didn't know the right customs.  

"In exhange for an agreed amount of grain,  livestock and silver, i propose that you and your ships return to Lundene and remain there. I further propose that you confine yourselves to East Anglia, Mercia and Northumbria.  Wessex is Saxon and as such, out-of-bonds to all danes." Alfred proposes to them.  

Guthrum looks at him "We'll not be leaving Wessex.  We only just arrived."

Alfred stares him down "Then you'll starve. You have little food, no shelter and a weakened army." 

"If you believe us weakened, why seek peace?" Guthrum asks. 

"It's the christian in me, the will of my god."  Alfred answers.  

Ubba shakes his head "Oh, i will hear no talk of gods."

Alfred looks at him "God.  There is only one." 

"You will talk of grain, horses, silver and land"  Ubba tells him. 

Alfred shakes his head "I will not talk of land."

Guthrum stands up and walks up to the writer.

"What do they write?"  Guthrum asks.  

"They write what we speak."  Alfred tells them.  

Guthrum is stunned. "Every word?"

Alfred nods.  "Yes. Every word."

"Then i may say arse, tits, hump and turd"  Guthrum answers.  

Aethelreda could tell her brother if he could he would explode but that's not the way of her brother.  

"They record history.  We are here creating history. People will read of this very meeting."

Ubba chuckles "I'm waiting to hear the terms of your surrender."

"You will be paid for your return to Lundene. There are no more terms and there will be no surrender." Alfred tells them. 

Ubba stands up angrily "Guthrum, here. Will not leave Readingum."

Alfred looks at him "Then i say again,  he will starve."

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