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I wake up and get ready for work. I work at Taco Bell with Zuri and our other friend Mack.

This dumb ass boy still on my mind too and he really doesn't need to be like at all it's low key pissing me off.

I get in my car and drive to work "you workin da register today" Mack says and I nod then go to the register after putting my stuff in my locker.

I take a few orders and give 'em out until my break where I just go to the back and scroll on my phone while eating some cinnamon twists.

"Omg Ima kill somebody soon" Zuri say coming in and ploppin down.

"Girl you chose to work fast food" I laugh and she mugs me "yo choice not mine" I shrug getting ready to end my break.

"Yo choice of words not mine rude ass" she says and I laugh "ight" I say before Walkin out the break room door and back to the register.

I finish taking this lady order and she goes and sits down while I take the order to the cooks and come back.

Before I can even look back some dude start talkin "hey, uhh can I get a-" he starts and I turn around cause why tf you talkin when Ian even lookin at you.

"Ohh wussup Lani" SJ says cheesin real big.

"Hey.." I say with a small smile

"So I was gonna ask you this tomorrow at school but since ya here.." he says fixing his posture.

"Umm do you maybe wanna go out wit me? Ya know hit da movies, maybe do a picnic or sum" he says licking his lip and I smile.

"Yeah" I nod, it feels like all the stress on my shoulders kinda just melted away.

I don't know why I feel relieved..

"Ok great after school tomorrow?" He asks and I nod.

"Ok, Ight, can I get the Crunchy Taco Supreme Combo wit a Dr. pepper as the drink" he says and I nod while putting his order in.

"Ok your food should be out in a lil bit" I smile and he smiles back at me before going and sitting down.

I put the order up and keep working and doin my job.


I walk outside with my stuff and get ready to walk home. A truck pulls up infront of me and the window rolls down. "C'mon" SJ says and I get in the passenger seat.

"You still live inna same spot righ?" He say lookin at me as he pulls out the parking lot.

"Nah umm" I say grabbing his phone and putting the address in.

"When you move?" He asks but ignore him, last time he came to my house I still lived with my dad and yes we have known each other for that long we just not close like that.

"Okay, got it" he sighs and drives me home in silence.

"Hey can I pick you up inna morning?" He asks as he pulls into the driveway.

"Sure if that's what you wanna do" I give him a small smile.

"You know what would make it easier" he says as I'm getting out his tall ass truck.

"What" I laugh as I almost fall on the ground after jumping out his truck finally.

"If I just stayed the night" he leans his head back on his seat.

"I mean if you want to Ian got nun against it" I say closing his door and he turns his truck off and gets out grabbing my stuff out my hand and leaving only my keys.

I unlock the door and go start the shower then go to my room and look for a change of clothes.

SJ sits on my bed and gets on his phone looking uncomfortable.

"Don't be nervous just chill." I say going to the bathroom with my clothes and getting in the shower.

I finish my shower and put my hair up in two French braids then tie my edges down then put my bonnet on.

I put my clothes on while I'm walking back to my room and as I get in the room I finish putting my shirt all the way on.

"Ok so what we doin" I say jumping on my bed next to him.

"Movie.. make out... show... music... TikTok.... Game" he lists off and I pause sitting up.

"Did you just throw make out in there and speed past it like you didn't" I say and he laughs "ok then" I laugh and grab my remote.

"I think music and watch and make tikky tokkys" I say putting my tv on Apple Music.

He clears all his tabs and goes to TikTok while I click on my playlist.

I lay on him and he wraps his arm around me while he scrolls through his fyp which is just full of TikTok dances, asmr, sports, funny shit, and music stuff.

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