Ep 3: Meet the Inkling

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The scene opens up at the castle. Inside, Peach & Toadsworth painted the walls with a new color.

Peach: Hey Mario, Alex, how's your side of the wall going?

Mario just wrote the word ASS on the wall while Alex just painted the wall as usual with the roller.

Mario: That's-a so nice!

Toadsworth: hmm...Master Mario, Alex! We could use more orange paint! Could you two go fetch some more?

Mario: *Thumbs up* No problem!

Alex: Okay.

New Goal!

Mission 1: Get orange paint can

Mario jumps away while Alex just walked away. The duo arrives at the basement to look for the paint can as they found the paint can.

Alex: Alright! Now we could just take it to them and open-

Mario: I'mma gonna open it!

Alex: Wait what-?!

Mario then opens the lid up.

Alex: We could've just-

Then suddenly, they see the can move as two look at it before it falls down and comes an Inkling girl in squid form swimming away.

Inkling: Freedom!!

Mario: Hey! Come back here!

Then he makes run for it.

Alex: Hey wait!

Change Mission!

Mission 1: Get after Mario & Inkling

Mario chases after Inkling as Alex follows the chase before Mario grabs the tentacle but goes down the pipe with her as Alex sees this.

Alex: Hey!

Then he jumps through the pipe as well. Later, Inkling girl, Mario, and Alex pop out of pipe as the two landed on the floor.

Mario: Oohhhh... Woah!

Alex: Holy carp...

Their amazement came at the Inkopolis.

Mario: Hollllyyyy shit-to!!!!

Alex: Okay... this is amazing...

Alex then notice an Inkling girl landed on the ground.

Alex: Hey, can you tell us how you get into the paint can and-

He then was cut off as he saw the squid into a girl with two long tentacles, a red beanie, a headphone, and goggles. Then he was frozen by the look of her eyes as he then blushed as Mario then saw this as he waves his hand at Alex's face.

Mario: Alex? ... Mario to Alex?

Alex: Huh?! Wah?!

Inkling: Stay back freaks! You two are probably the ones who trapped me in that can yesterday!

Mario: A talking squid? Am I in Bikini Bottom? :D

Alex: *Turn to Mario* Nope. We're not. *Turns to her* Don't mind Mario, he's dumb.

Mario: Hey!

Mario gets shot as Alex dodge the ink shot.

Meggy: You just got REKT by the upcoming Star, Meggy!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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