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Life is an interesting thing. Life manifests itself in many ways. Life is precious. No matter how you look at is a beautiful thing. Especially on a place called earth.

Have you ever wondered how the universe came to be? Let alone pondering the origin of the universe. Shall I tell you how life began? If so, please read carefully.

It began with a single pearl. But this pearl was no ordinary pearl. This pearl bloomed into a beautiful being. It was a young girl. She wasn't known to have a name. Even so, her beauty was like no other. She was known to have dark brown skin, crooked teeth, and brown jewel-like eyes. Her beauty was celestial.

The confusion of what was happening around her had obscured this girl's vision. Nothing was there. Everything was just white. This girl made small steps in this odd place that seemed like a dazed illusion. She noticed a very thin feathery green plant growing beneath her feet as she took these steps. Confusion overtook her face as she gazed down at this strange thing that was tickling her tiny feet. Slowly, the white faded away.

Her confusion grew as she took steps while that feathery green thing continued to expand throughout. When she looked up at the sky, she saw a pretty blue. The beauty of everything around her blew her away.

She kept walking until the grass stopped growing. In its place, a clear, liquid substance was introduced. This substance is known as water. Grass and dirt was found beneath the water's surface.

As soon as she discovered something new, her beautiful eyes widened. She dashed towards the muddy river with no regard for her safety.

She played in it splashing around in the water as she watched everything that appeared. Trees, mountains, and so many other things. She even noticed that these things were much wider and taller than she was. The little girl sat beside the bank of the river and watched everything take shape.

But as she played with the water, she noticed how cold it was and how wet her hands became. After watching everything else take shape, she soon grew bored with the water. So she got up from the bank of the river.

She wandered wherever her little feet took her. Walking throughout the region, amazed at all the new things she discovered.

But as time went on, the little girl began to feel sad. Sad at the fact she had no one with whom she could share the same beauty of the world as she's seen.

She felt lonely.

A beautiful tree framed her view as she sat under the shade and closed her eyes. In her mind, she pictured the image she desired to unfold in front of her.

It was her imagination that made her so unique.

Finally, she opened her eyes after closing them for a while. And right in front of her was the thing she'd imagined. The thing she wanted to see.

As she discovered, it was capable of doing everything she could do. Breathe, walk, and make sounds. But it didn't look like her at all. Her skin wasn't dirty green, nor did she have four legs or a tail. Even though they were alike, they were completely different. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Rather, it was good because they both were unique in their own way.

Despite their similarities and differences, the little girl was just happy that she wasn't alone. She finally had a friend to explore the world with.

But just when she figured she would befriend the animal, it walked away from her.

Of course she followed it, and explored with it. Despite the animal attempting to get away from her many times. She continued to follow it. The animal wasn't a harm to her. Though it minds her presence, it grew to like her. To the point where it didn't try to run away from her anymore.

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