Zero To Heroine!

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We're back folks!

And i have to ask. Am i the only one excited for DisneyPlus? Let me know if i'm not.

Also this chapter is co written by Haxorus Knight. Thank you for pouring fresh ideas for this story!

"And making me even more shiny. Not that it's even possible." Maverick gloated.

Haxorus Knight: Thanks! And no. Your awesome, and don't you forget that!

Kingdomwarrior125: Glad you approve. I hated the fact that every time Kairi tried to shine in the video games, they keep deciding to make her into a damsel in distress. WELL NOT IN THIS STORY BABY!

Anyway, now that we're all here.


Zero To Heroine!

The test labs of Organization 13....

Xigbar walked down the hall of the facility and opened a door to a containment cell. The room inside was white, pale, and it seems to have no emotion. The white walls had tubes filled with some kind of liquid in them.

In the center of the room is tube holding a mysterious young man with glowing red veins in a circuit like pattern. His hair was black with thin grey stripes. His mouth was covered by a mask supplying his oxygen. His body is muscular for teenager body with 8 pack abs of steel. His 10 glowing energy tails covered his lower region like snakes around a tree. The arms are also strong but slim like his legs. His hands and feet has glowing retractable sharp cat-like claws under the fingernails and toenails. The water glowed blue, bubbles floating up to the surface.

This was their latest Test Subject.

Then the Test Subject's red eyes opened. With flashes of lightning like bolts in a storm. He tested his body, moving his limbs in normal pattern. The tails uncurled and retracted, showing the black and red full body swimsuit shorts to spread out to 5 feet long to vanish in black smoke. His hands pulled pried on the restrains and broke loose, then the Subject the tube doors open.

Letting the water out before taking off the oxygen mask. On his back, there was a huge tattoo of the Nobody symbol in black and white with a red nobody star. Also with other tattoos of predatory beast and the double helixes in red, black, and white.

Then lights turned on to the room, and another steel white door opened for the Test Subject to walk through. While in his shorts, the teenage boy Subject walked right in. Leading him into a large white room for training.

Then suddenly. A horde of heartless surrounded and faced against the Test Subject. A group of Armored Knights, Darkballs, Invisibles, Neoshadows and Lance soldiers.

But no fear nor anger were in his eyes but there was a bit of boredom. The Subject then growled like a beast, and formed his Keyblade and dashed toward the heartless. He slaughtered them like pigs and sheep. The Subject jumped and sliced an Invisible heartless in half. Then he summoned a second keyblade while stabbing a soldier in the chest , tearing it apart like paper, spilling out shadows like blood. Then he landed and threw the Keyblades at a bunch of heartless like an oversized shuriken, slicing the horde like Swiss cheese and ham.

His Keyblades left shadows in their wake, leaving no shadows behind, then a huge Darkside heartless appeared, making the dark boy look up at it, with a feudal wild man like smile. Like one of a berserker if they could smile. Now that is a sight to be feared.

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