Timeless River.

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We're Back Folks!

I took a break because it was my birthday last month. And some personal matters got in the way. But here's another chapter this magical voyage of Aiden and Sora.

Also given that the Timeless River is based on an old cartoon. There will be some callbacks and parodies of some old Looney Tunes cartoons and MGM cartoons as well. I figured since they didn't as much to the Timeless River world in the game as much as they did for other worlds. I decided to add a little more innovation for this one.

"And by that he means he's going to steal crap in order to make his crap good." Maverick quipped.

That's enough out of you Maverick!

olehbilenko93: Thanks! Could you elaborate and come up with more new words to describe how you feel for this one? I'm pretty sure Rotten Tomatoes don't give the same written reviews for all of their films.

Anyway now that we're all here!


Timeless River.

The World That Never Was....

One Year Ago.....

After Axel pick pocketed a key from Xaldin and handed it to Xion. With no one around, she unlocked the door to the lab and went inside. Once there, she snuck over to the door of Dianex's cell. She unlocked the door and cracked it opened and peered her head through the door. Then Xion found Dianex laying on his bed, tired and bruised up from yet another 'successful' combat training course. Bruised and scarred from having to fight so hard and take so many hits.

With them both alone, Xion walked in timidly and pulled her hood down. Dianex wasn't sure how to respond, nor did he know how to express what he was feeling. So he just stared at her, with a blank cold stare.

"Um.... hi." Xion waved a little at Dianex with a cute smile.

Dianex didn't respond. No reaction, not so much as a peep.

"Is it okay if i come in?" Xion asked softly.

Dianex finally nodded. He usually doesn't like visitors, but he didn't have it in him to turn her away.

So Xion came all the way inside the room and closed the door. Xion rubbed her arm feeling nervous as she walked closer to Dianex noticed the bruises on his neck and some fainted nasty once on his face.

"What happened?" Xion asked in concern.

Her soft timid voice sounded like a soothing angelic melody to Dianex's ears. His face was still blank. He could only answer yes or no with a simple nod. Xion figured that out herself very quickly.

"You....got those from training. Didn't you?" Xion figured.

Dianex nodded. Apparently given the fact that his power is growing. Dianex hasn't attained the power to heal yet. Or to use a healing spell from his keyblade

Xion gave a soft look and reached out to touch his right hand. But Dianex pulled it away, giving her a skeptical grimace.

"It's okay... I'm not going to hurt you." Xion assured him softly, gesturing to him to let her see his hand.

Dianex, with unsure feelings, slowly gave his hand to Xion. Who used a hi potion to heal Dianex's wounds. Given that Xion has lost the ability to use hers and has been going on missions with Roxas.

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