Chapter 3: Story Time

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The Croods cheered and rushed over to him. Grug handed the egg over to Thunk.

"Here you go Thunk. Drink up."

Thunk went to take the egg and fumbled with it for a second, before he dropped it on the ground.

Thunk picked the egg back up and noticed some yolk was leaking out of it.

"Sorry dad."

"Looks like it's fast food tonight." Ugga commented.

She grabbed the egg from Thunk and gave it so Sandy to drink from it. The family passed the egg around each taking a turn, before it came back to Grug.

He held the egg over his mouth but only a drop was left.

"Uh, that's alright. I ate last week." Grug shrugged.

Grug looked up at the sun and squinted as he held up two fingers under it to measure how low it was.

"Two knuckle warning!" Gran yelled in his ear.

The Croods all ran back to the cave to go back in it.

"Come on, come on. Darkness brings death. We know this."

"The moon is full. Bath night." Ugga announced.

"Run for your life!" Gran screeched.

"You too mom." Ugga grabbed Gran's cane and pulled her back.

"I don't wanna lose my protective layer." Gran complained.

"Mom, you've got ants."

Ugga lifted Sandy up and patted her with a branch to remove her dust.

"See? Sandy doesn't fuss."

Ugga lifted Gran up and began to pat her down as well.

"Is he still out there?" Grug asked.

"You know he hates the cave Grug." Ugga reminded him.


Eep was still outside climbing up the giant rock wall of the canyon to steal one more glance at the sun. He turned around and lifted his hand up and watched as darkness crawled up his hand.

"Please come back tomorrow." He whispered.


"How could he not like the cave? It's so cozy." Grug asked.

"It is a little dark Grug." Ugga admitted.

"It's not that dark." Grug defended. "Eep!"



Eep groaned when he heard his dad calling him, and went to climb back down, but he paused when he heard what sounded like an animal at the top of the cliff.

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