Chapter 11: The Maze

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"So the bear says, 'Your cave? I've been dumping my bones here since last week!'" Guy said.

Thunk and Gran burst out laughing at Guy's joke.

"That's a funny story." Gran cackled.

"It's not a story. It's a joke." Guy corrected.

"What's a 'joke?'" She asked.

"Just making something up to make you laugh." Guy explained.

Grug passed through them and his eyes widened. In front of them was a huge maze of rocks, that looked very ominous and unpredictable..


"One for you, one for you, and this one's for you." Guy said passing each of them a shell.

They all blew into them to test them out, and low sounds came out.

"Okay. Okay! That's enough! I don't see why the kids need their own shells." Grug sighed.

"So of anyone gets in trouble, we can call the others." (Y/n) told them.

"Wait. You two are saying we should split up?" Grug asked incredulously.

"We can try more paths at once. It's the fastest way through." She explained.

"Croods stick together. Your way isn't safe." Grug argued.

"They can handle it." Guy promised.

"We can do it, Dad." Eep chimed in, standing next to (Y/n).

"No, no, no, no, no. It's my job to keep you safe. I'm still in charge and we are not splitting up." Grug said firmly.

Eep grabbed (Y/n) by the waist and pressed her back to his chest and nuzzled his head with her head. The girl blushed and glanced over at Grug nervously.

"Except for you two. And that's final." Grug separated Eep and (Y/n). "Let's go." He grunted.

Suddenly, behind them, the ground started to shake and move, and the ground bounced in a wave like motion, causing them all to be launched into the air and into the tunnels.

The group slid down the tunnels, all getting split up.

Thunk was one his own, and so was Grug and Guy. Sandy, Ugga and Gran landed together, and Eep landed in the ground safely, and caught (Y/n) bridal style as she fell.


"Hello? Hello? Is everyone alright?" Grug asked.

He backed up and hit his head on a log that was slanted sideways.

"We're okay Grug!" Ugga responded.


"Dad? I'm freaking out a little bit..." Thunk admitted, grabbing his shell and rocking back and forth on his butt. "Just tell me what to do. What do I do? What do I do right now?"

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