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Xiao gritted his teeth as he was once again stranded in the dark abyss. He had been so close to discovering what had happened to you, how you had ended up like this. If he could have stayed just a few minutes longer, maybe he would have some idea of how to save your soul, or at least how to reach it again, since every time he came close, he found himself held in place, unable to move.

Clenching his fists, he looked up to see the Mist Flower from before still growing out of the nothingness. Only this time, it had wilted. No longer was it pulsating with cryo, and the glowing white aura from before had dimmed so much that it was almost completely gone.

It reminded him of you, but more specifically, of when he had found you unconscious after fighting Osial. Like you, it was so close to dying now. It almost made him want to cry as he walked forward towards it.

"Everything's going wrong..." He whispered, kneeling down in front of the flower. "I'm so sorry, Y/n." The tugging sensation on his back was only getting stronger, despite still being weak enough to ignore. He knew his time was running out, and although that wouldn't be enough to make him give up, it wasn't comforting.

After staring at the flower for a moment, he began to wonder how and why it had suddenly sprouted here earlier. This place became more suffocating the longer he was in it, so what was a plant doing here?

Could it...Also be a part of you? It would make sense, considering this was still a part of your dream. Maybe it was one of the fragments of your soul.

Carefully, he reached a hand out to touch it, curious as to whether it would react the way the fragment of you earlier had and dissolve into dust. Before his fingers could make contact with the petals, though, it was gone again.


Xiao was falling when he arrived in the next part of your dream, having just jumped off the ice pillar towards Osial. However, he quickly realized he wasn't going to make it, the distance between him and the sea god was too far.

Since he still couldn't use any of his powers in your dream, and therefore couldn't teleport, he had no choice but to continue falling towards the ocean below.

He wasn't even sure whether he could actually die while in your dreams. In his hurry to enter and save you he hadn't even thought to ask Aphra about it. To him, any risks like that would be worth it for even a chance at bringing you back.

Before he could find out the answer, though, someone grabbed his arm, pulling him from midair as they both landed on the dock of the harbor, rolling a few times before coming to a stop.

He whipped his head up to look at the person that had saved him, only to find you lying a few feet away. Of course. You always were looking out for him, ever since the day you had met.

You shot up from the ground quickly, summoning your weapon and getting ready to attack the god again. First, though, your eyes met Xiao's, and a small smirk formed on your lips.

"And you say I'm the reckless one." With that, you jumped back onto the water, running towards Osial. Wait, you could see him now, too? At this point, he was barely shocked. This was your dream, after all; it made sense that it operated under your own rules.

He rushed to the edge of the dock, watching as you seemed to be skating across the water, a trail of ice forming in your wake. Turning slightly, you slid right up the god's back, your ice spreading like crystals to cover his whole body. Finally, you reached his face, completing the Osial popsicle.

However, rather than come back down, you remained atop his head, hands placed on the ice to strengthen it.

So that was how you'd held him back on your own for so long before anyone arrived to help.

𝕴𝖓 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒𝖘 | Xiao x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now