//Morning sickness//

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Next morning~

The sun hit my eyes as my sore body layed on the ground, making me feel like shit with the usual migraine.

"Ah fuck." I muttered, sitting up, grabbing my head with my hand as I leaned up against my bed. Looking around, it was early morning. My nose felt weird, feeling around on my lower lip I felt a dried substance, red flakes covered my finger.

"Again?" I groaned, sitting up I made my wobbly legs take me to the bathroom down the hall.

Flipping on the light switch, I looked in the mirror. E/c eyes looked back at me, dark eye bags and smudged makeup only added more to my self deprived expression. Fresh blood began to trickle down my nose and onto my upper lip, I didn't move.

It felt like my head was buzzing, with bees filling up the muscle that was supposedly my brain.

I propped myself up against the sink, letting my hands grip the outside of the cold glass that surrounded the drain. I hung my head, watching the red droplets fall onto the white sink.


I felt a soft furr rub up against my bare leg, bringing me comfort.

"Callie, what am I going to do? It feels like I'm a walking fuckin corpse." I whispered, stumbling backwards I hit the wall and slid down. I let my arms hang by my sides, hands placed on the cold tiled floor.

"Can't tell Grandma, she thinks I'm just crazy." I chuckled, twirling her long furr with my finger. Her red eyes examined my face, like she wanted to respond but just didn't know how.

I forced myself up off of the wall, picking up Callie and walked back to my room.

My feet took me to the window sill, I placed my hands on the cold glass as I took in the sunrise.
My focus soon came to the clear product, looking closer I noticed something on the outside of the window.

Faint bloody handprints.

I raised my eyebrow, Taking a step back, chills ran down my spine. "What the fuck is happening?" I asked myself, the dream from last night was so real.

My hand instantly went up to my forehead, sweat covered my palm and flesh. I felt as if I had the flu, except it was a mix of the after effects of getting hit by a zombie... whatever that's like.

My vision was blurry, the room spinned making me slap my free hand over my mouth feeling the sensation of throwing up.

One second my eyes were closed, in my room, the next...I was in the woods.

My eyes widened, the sick sensation was gone, which was a relief. But then I was brought back to reality, I was in the middle of the fucking woods.

"Aw fuck! It's seven in the fucking morning and I didn't even do any witch craft or demonic shit to end up here!" I shouted, letting out a loud groan.


Looking down, Callie sat by my feet.

"Oh thank god." I huffed, reaching down and picked her up. I began walking in a reasonable direction, north. I recognized the area, but this part was far from my house. It would probably take a ten minute walk to get back back.

"Y'know, we can just run away." I spoke, looking down to the cat. "Go and kidnap B/f/n and live as a hill billy family in the woods going around doing whatever the fuck we want." I chuckled, making Callie meep in response.

The leaves crunched below my bare feet, I was used to the sensation of sticks and rocks under my feet due to running around on the farm all the time when I was younger.

One side effect from my "zombie illness" was the paranoia, it felt as if something was watching me.

Waiting for me.

We continued to walk, be talking to the cat every so often. Walking past a tree I noticed something, a piece of white paper with black charcoal smudged on it.

I tore it off of the trees bark, bringing it before my eyes as I looked over the paper.





Was scribbled all over the paper, shit really creeped me out which made me tare it to pieces and left it to rot and turn into dirt on the forest floor.

Wasn't doing some white people shit and summoning some succubus from touching a damn paper.

My instincts finally kicked in, I was in no dream land, no Television show, I was in the woods.

I got poofed into the woods, by something.

"Obviously there's some demonic shit out here." I whispered to Callie, my eyes searched the trees waiting for someone to pop out. My mind was still painting a picture of how I got in the woods in the first place, and who the hell he is.

Soon enough the f/c farm house came into view, making my stomach untie itself from a not and into a perfect bow. Grandma could either think I snuck out, or, I actually don't know.

Either way, I was out of those woods.

??? POV

I watched the girl walk back to her house, talking to the pet was such a weird thing to do for such a mature teen.

My legs were getting sore for crouching in the tree for so long, my sweat began to make my sweatshirt stick to my flesh along with the mask.

She seemed like her mind was fogged, not thinking right for someone who was just teleported into a woods by the Slenderman.

But yet again she hasn't caught on, it's been...a year? Since she's been on the list? The last one the boss seems to want.

She soon disappeared into the home, leaving me the honor to get out of my uncomfortable position.

I onloaded the pistol as I leaned up against the tree, luckily I didn't need to use it on her.


"Hoodie?" I heard a familiar voice call out Infront of me, looking up, my masked partner stood Infront of me while his mask was displayed in the sunlight that found it's way through the tree leaves.

"She's still questionable, hasn't shown any kind of useful tactics, but slender sickness has been a bitch to her." I stated, pushing past him and began walking away. "Well yeah, she's the youngest." I heard him mutter, making me let out a silent scoff.

"I think it's humorous that the boss is willing to recruit a weakling like her, have you seen it? She gets light headed off of blood!" I heard him cackle behind me, I didn't find any of the situation funny.

"She's still a child, Masky, she will need work, his plan is for us to make ourselves know now. Soon, she will be ready to prove herself as worthy as his proxy." I stated, I didn't bother to turn around when I already felt his glare digging holes in my back.

"Yeah whatever, should be pretty fun, my favorite part is seeing them fail and we get to carry out the job." Masky hummed besides me, now keeping the same pace as myself.

Tim would never say those kinds of things, if he were here, he would feel sympathy for the child and wouldn't get so excited on taking ones life.

But that only makes me a hypocrite for blaming Masky for enjoying the kills, I don't like to get my hands dirty. But seeing what Masky and Toby can do with they're weapons is what I call art.

"Yeah, should be pretty fun."

We walked in a comfortable silence, usually slight blood would set the mood but just dirt did well.

Maybe if I'm bored, I'll stop by later.


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