•Part Two• // Red lies //

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My feet stopped, well, my legs stopped.

Along with my current state of thought.

Darkness of the woods surrounded me, Callie by my side as something began to approach us.
My arms hung by my sides, my eyes wide like saucers as sweat began to pile on my top lip.

The leaves crunched.





I may of said many moments before that my; blood ran cold. And this time, when I say it.

My blood ran colder than pleasurable.

"Kid, run." A gruff voice whispered on my side, making time come back to my mind and my arms pushed away from the voice on my left. A tree took the place of the person, making me look around more.

My feet squished in the muddy grass, the tip of my nose cold.

"Run untill your legs collapse." A different voice was spoken above me, still in thought, My eyes slowly trailed up the pine tree and up to the highest branch.

Where a brown haired boy sat.

I watched him reach into his belt and began to play with his hatchet, his orange goggles shined in the moon light.


My lips parted, I wanted to say something, anything.

"Masky? I think this chase will be a duzy." The boy chuckled, more footsteps were heard.

Stepping backwards I quickly pumped my arms with my legs as I sprinted the opposite direction of the boy.

The sound of him jumping down from the branch made my heart beat in my ears, his sadistic laughter rang like a kong bell.

Others, for some reason I knew there were others.

"God have mercy on my soul." I whispered, running, during a death like experience when we all knew it know was over. For some reason we always resort to the man above, or anything really to save us.

I swerved through the pines, running deeper into the woodland atmosphere. Callie right behind me, she could've turned back, but she stayed.

My mind began to think of tactics to hide, or even ways to fight back against my attackers.

That's right; A T T A C K E R S

My hair flowed behind my cold body, my arms and legs stung of fresh cuts due to the tree branches giving me a "hello" every time my flesh would scrape up against them. My pajamas were damp with dew, my pant legs muddy.

The only thing that kept me going was the thought of death, fear kept me fighting for my life.

It sounded as if the four were all around me at once, other times it felt like they were waiting for me ahead of my invisible trail as if they knew my every move.

I didn't like that, I also didn't like feeling like...

Would it be to inhuman to say? Talking about another human being in that kind of manner such as myself? We're all the same on the inside, sure, but our brains...our nerves are much, much different than one another's.

In ones eyes, they can be a hunter.

In they're eyes, others can be prey.

And in this situation, even myself saw my running form just a weak excuse of...


Static began to take over, my legs and everything...just everything was numb.

Something, wrapped around my ankle.

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