//last time//

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"I think, I think I ate somebody."

It was silent, besides the little jingle outside of the door singing some hippie shit on the speakers in the store.

"Um, why do you think that?" He asked, I assumed he would be on his heal and sprinting, screaming bloody Mary or like a little bitch.

But he was there in the stall with me, concerned.

"I-I should be fine, maybe just a hair ball? I have a cat after all." I chuckled, blinking to check if this was my reality and pushed past Helen out to the bathroom door. "Best if you get home, Maybe your sick." Helen suggested as we walked out, I could still feel the acid in the my mouth while I took long strides to the exit.

He followed me outside, must've sat his supplies down somewhere with mine.

"I'm fine, but, nice meeting you." I smiled, walking to my bike. He awkwardly stood there, like Tim did whenever he was up to no good.

Which surprisingly, was only once.

"Yeah." He smiled, leaning himself against the brick wall and watched me drive off. I peddled as fast as I could to the street, getting in one of the bike lanes I slowed down. I wondered what happened to Tim, I wasn't all so selfish at the time to not worry about a guy that was atleast trying to help me.

What if he got taken by the creature?...

I wobbled a bit on my bike, this thought made my eyes widen.

"Nah, he's smart and strong...Brian probably took him home and probably didn't even know it was me lying on the ground besides his body." I reassured myself, but even that sounded off.

I pushed it away, knowing it was better left unsolved.

"Y/n!" I heard someone call out behind me, making me pull over to the side as I looked back.

There, Jeff rode his bike to me, a black Tank top on with jeans. "Caught you just in time, god you bike fast." He huffed, pulling besides me.
He glanced to my arm where his initials were placed, a small smile soon hidden by a dumbfounded expression.

"Yeah, kinda good when there's serial killers biking after me." I scoffed, turning on him and got back onto my bike.

"God damnit just drop it, you literally have a serial killer in your closet." Jeff spoke besides me as we peddled, I did my best to ignore him but I listened. "The green kid?" I asked, if course he was connected to them. "Yeah, and that guy back there? Don't trust 'em." He sighed, glancing behind himself.

"Hm, he seems more trustworthy than you." I smirked, his grip on his steering wheels became tighter. "Well, atleast I would be the one out of all of the fuckers to protect you." He backed himself up.

"Sure." I taunted, watching the houses soon turn to green fields.

"You like being a little bitch, don't you?" He scoffed, I drove ahead of him on the road as I felt his eyes burn holes in my head. "Yup." I hummed, a smile still placed on my lips. "I like it too." A deep voice oozed besides me, making me swerve to the left of myself with wide eyes. Jeff drove ahead of me, cackling.

"I CAN'T WITH YOUR FUCKING FACE !HAHA! your hilarious Y/n." He sighed once I caught up with him.

We rode in silence after that, the occasional passing one another and cussing, but otherwise the time was calming.

We drove up my drive way and parked under a old oak in my front lawn, no one was home.

"Feels weird coming in with you, instead of sneaking in." Jeff chuckled as I unlocked the front door and stepped in, he knew this frightened me.
"Hm, must be nice." I sighed, sliding off my boots and walked to the kitchen as Jeff followed behind me. "Your house looks nice, quiet." Jeff spoke behind me, lifting up a family photo that was sitting on the shelf.

It was of me, mom and dad.

He held it for awhile in his large hand, shoulders slumped as he took time to look it over and save it in his mind as if he was copying and pasting it to his own website of memories. I stood at the kitchen table, watching his eyes trail over me and my dad in the photo.

"What happened to your family?"

I gulped, clenching and unclenching the dirty table cloth.

"Stuff." I responded, my voice echoed throughout the silent house.

"I know, about some of the stuff." Jeff said, setting the frame down on the wooden counter while he slid his hands into his front jean pockets. "How?" I asked, taking a step backwards. "He has told me, pretty obvious." He have out a fake chuckle, not looking away from the other photos.

"How do you know him." I asked, I wanted to kick him out of my life right there due to his connections with the one thing that had fucked up my head and so much others.

"I guess its my boss, all of the random ass people you have met know him. like I said, don't trust 'em, I live with them and yet I would rather get sailed to the moon than stay another day with they're crazy asses." He chuckled once more, his mood darkening.

Tim knows him, Brian, BEN, Helen all know him.

"More to come, Don't let them in so quickly." Jeff finished, finally catching my gaze. "We're killers, not friends." He spoke in a light tone, as if he didn't want someone to hear.

"You have a serial killer living in your closet after all."

BEN, he's in the closet, in the DS.

"I thought you said I could trust you." I copied his tone, digging my nails into my palms. "You can, I may be a killer, but sure as hell not a liar." He stated, making his way over to me, to the point he stood across from me at the table. "I'm trying to help you." Jeff whispered, locking his cold eyes with mine.

A man who has no trust in himself, has no trust to give to the world.

Man, thats right.

Humans are like wolves, they fake they're love to blend in with they're prey.

"Okay." I spoke, gulping back the lump in my throat. "Pinky promise?" I asked, raising my hand out between us while raising my pinkie up. He could bend it backward and snap it like a carrot right there and then, that thought made me bite my tongue down at the disgusting thought.

"Really? I like it." Jeff smiled, displaying his bloodied smile. His canines seemed inhuman, sharp. He had a over bite, same as me. /I had a under bite.

He latched his pinky onto mine, shaking it up and down and let go.

"Pinky promise." He smiled, but he brought his hand back to mine and held it. "I, Jeffery Alan Woods swears to protect you at all costs and be by your side, forever, near or far." And with that, he let go and drew a 'X' over his chest, dragging his index finger across the black fabric that stuck closely to his scarred flesh.

And he did keep that promise, he stayed when it was the worst option but he still meant good by it, but either way he really did keep that promise. I will admit, I forgot about it after mine and a specific ones incident, but looking back on this I will say he did keep his promise.

Jeffery Alan Woods might be a killer, but is no damn liar.

"Okay, well, I, Y/n L/n swear to make your life a living hell during all the time you spend near me and think about me." I gave a shit eating smile, the mood was lightened up.

Thanks to me.

"Okay, okay, how about we hangout later this week. Has to be at night, so we have more time together, of course." Jeff began, locking eyes with me.

"Yeah..." I went along.

"So yes?" He raised his dark eyebrow.

"Yes." I smiled.


God I was so dumb.


Might be some spelling mistakes but oh well.

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