//Kindness is hard when you're asleep//

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Three days later...

Your POV

Something was brushing up against my lips, warm air.

My mind came out of sleep, my eyes opened to meet another pair. Immediately, the persons rough hand was slapped over my mouth making me lay still trying not to piss the man off.

They're long, black hair hung off of they're shoulders and shield his face. Some little loose parts tickled my cheeks and nose, but adrenaline was busy pumping through my veins so I barely noticed.

"You're even more pretty up close."

The voice was... nervous, eerie.

He seemed to lean in closer, examining my face in the dark, the moon who shined it's light in through my window displayed over half of his body. He was leaned over, adding more to his frightening vibe.

"Your, your pretty too."

My words came out muffled, this seemed to surprise the man, he slowly lifted his palm up from my mouth and straightened his posture while keeping eye contact with me.

This fucker was tall.

He brought his hand up to his face, tracing something by his mouth.


I could hear the happiness in his voice, being complemented by one of his victims probably never happened before.

" yeah, you're eyes, they're very handsome."

I sat up on the mattress, still having to look up to keep the conversation going instead of my brains getting splattered all over my bedroom wall.

"Are you lying?"

His mood suddenly changed, there was no nervous boy, his voice sounded as if you were to drag a person over rough gravel.

It was deep, maybe even rough, this made him very threatening.

He took a step backwards, and that's when I saw it, his blade shined in the mood light as it was put on full display due to the moons light.

I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm for his sake and my sanity.

"I'm not a lier,..." I tried to figure out his name, to make it more convincing.


His eerie voice was back, his shoulders slumped alike to a monster.

"I promise, Jeff, you are a very pretty man." I spoke softly, this seemed to make him happy once more. But my heart continued to pace faster than healthy, screaming for me to breathe.

"You are very pretty, I want to stay, but I'm not supposed to see you...just yet! B-but, I'll see you, just keep an eye out for me!" He smiled, walking over to me, he grabbed my shoulders making my eyes widened.

"Can I kiss you?"

My lips turned to a thin line as sweat piled on top of my eyebrow, some slipped down and stung my tired, now wide eyes.

"I...What?..." I grumbled, gripping my thighs as I dug my nails into my flesh at the sight of the man coming closer to my face. I didn't know what was happening, and I surely didn't like the feeling swarming up in my throat.

He didn't even hesitate, he went straight for my lips making me gasp in surprise. He just left his lips there, savoring the touch untill he pulled back from me.

"See you later, Y/n."

He smiled, waving and went for my window, opening it and jumped out.

I sat there, in the humid room, tears began to fall as the shock broke in.

His knife repeated it's deathly glare in my mind, his lips felt deformed, I was almost killed.

A disgusting emotion sprouted in my stomach, shooting it's way up to my mouth. I let out a sickening gurgle, my feet stumbled onto the ground and shot for the bathroom.

Running in, I locked the door and lurched over the sink.

Up came to red tablets.

My pills, that I had taken five hours before.

They were normal, a little wet, but they had everything. They weren't melted by the stomach acid, they were still in shape.

Maybe it was the blood that added more to the effect, but I became light headed.

Something took over, my blood sizzled as I furrowed my eyebrows. Behind me in the mirror, the tall man stood there. I never got to look at his face, he made sure I never got the chance to see it.

But I knew he had nothing to hide, no face.


This is so weird writing this book, I have already finished the last one in this series and writing the beginning all over brings me piece but is just so weird.

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