A sleepover.. sort of.

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Just then I had a mini heart attack while he pushed me into his pocket almost fast enough to give me whiplash! I was shaking and hyperventilating. "What is going on!? Had this really all been a trick?" I thought, as I was sitting there I went through almost every emotion except for happiness going from shock, to fear, from sadness, to anger.

      Why had I ever thought I could trust him? A human. I felt angry tears at the brim of my eyes threatening to spill when I heard it, the sound of a door opening.

"He was just hiding you," I repeated in my head to calm myself. He could have at least explained.

     For a second I had thought it had all been a trick. I was SO glad it wasn't. I tried to keep as silent as I could as they started talking (the bully and the mystery person).  "Mom! Why didn't you knock?" He asked his mom, "why should I have to!? You know this is my house! The dishes aren't even done, after all u do for you, you could  at least help around the house" hi mom asked sounding rather drunken. Oh, I had no idea he had this bad of a home life.

  I really needed to know his name so I could stop referring to him as "big bully" or "jerk". I decided I would ask him when he let me out. Whenever that was.

   Eventually I fell asleep, they had been talking for around 10 minutes, and I know that's not a lot but it is when you've been running on pure adrenaline for the past hour or so.

Big bully/noah (but April doesn't know that yet)pov:

I had finally managed to convince my mom to leave and that I would clean tomorrow. I felt kinda bad for not warning April before just putting her in my pocket, I hoped she wasn't too mad.

  Once I was sure that my mom wasn't coming back into my room I slowly reached into my pocket to retrieve the probably angry April.weirdly enough I didn't hear her yell from fear when my hand entered the pocket not even shying away, "maybe she was starting to trust me!" I thought hopefully.

As soon as I grabbed her I knew something was wrong, "why isn't she moving?" I whispered. I looked down to see an unconscious April laying in the palm of my hand.

I felt so stupid! How could I have thought she could trust me so easily, to her I was still just a big monster who kidnapped her. I went from sad to mad really quick, it wasn't my fault she was in my bag! And how did she just expect me to let her go? Would she let a tiny girl she just met free into a house that was gigantic compared to her? Not only that but with a monster mother that would kill her on sight!? The thought made me shiver. I could tell she wasn't going to wake up any time soon due to her not even stirring when I had shaken and moved my hand closet so she wouldn't roll off my hand and........ I don't even want to think about that.

Well it was getting late, so I might as well just go to sleep myself. But where would I put her where she couldn't leave? That made me sound so, so evil, but honestly I just didn't want her to get hurt or lost.

  She can just sleep with me! No that was a stupid idea what if I hurt her? Well I guess I never move when I sleep anyway, and  she wouldn't be able to leave without you knowing or hurting herself.

After I had debated with your mind for a bit I decided she would sleep on my chest! That was the best place for her, and it was nice and warm!

      So I set her down on my night stand and walked over to the bathroom to get changed. I know it wasn't the smartest thing to do, you know, leaving her alone when she obviously wanted to leave, but I knew she wouldn't wake up while I was gone. And I don't want to bring her with me to get changed, that was just weird.  So I got changed into a pair of plaid shorts and no shirt, usually I would sleep in boxers but that flat is a little too awkward for me with having her on me and all. The more I thought about it the weirder it sounded, but it was too late and I didn't have anywhere else to put her that she couldn't easily get off of.

   (I know it's a rather short one but I felt bad about not putting out a chapter for you all! Hopefully I'll be able to make longer ones for you soon! <33)

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