Chapter 14: Who is the culprit?

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Authoress' Pov

Previously on Billionaire's Maid...

Trinity gave Madelyn food which became a problem after she left the room. Christi and Gael came in to check on her and found her choking. They didn't know what was going on and the situation got out of hand and they rushed her to the hospital and Gael on the way called Leonardo and he quickly came. The doctor quickly saved her and checked the cause and found out it was poison.

Leonardo's Pov

''Yes poison,'' said the doctor. ''So doctor what are you saying? You are sure it is poison?'' I asked him. ''Yes very sure indeed,'' said the doctor. ''Oh my God!!!'' I exclaimed. ''Yeah so terrifying. But luckily I was able to remove it on time. Don't worry Madelyn is safe,'' said the doctor. ''Thank you so much doctor!'' I said. ''No problem. I'm just doing my job. And I'm so glad she's okay,'' said the doctor. ''No wonder when we found her in the room choking she kept saying it's not the bones when we thought she accidentally swallowed one,'' said Christi. ''Yeah indeed. And infact it was true she had only ate the rice she had not eaten the meat yet,'' said Gael. ''Hmmm ok I see so it means someone poisoned her,'' said the doctor. ''Yes! And that person is Trinity!'' exclaimed Gael. I gasped. ''Yes. Isn't it true Christi?'' Gael asked Christi as he turned towards her. ''She was the one who made the food for Madelyn for lunch and even took it to Madelyn,'' said Gael. ''Yeah it could be Trinity. Besides she made her the food and took it to her and right after Madelyn started choking,'' said Christi. I was still in shock.

I know Trinity these days has not been in good terms with Madelyn but I didn't expect her to go this far. ''Trinity did this? You mean she can go this far?'' I asked still in shock. ''Yes Mr. Billionaire duh she's been changing lately. I'm also very disappointed but she's the one responsible for this,'' said Gael. ''But I think you should do some serious inspection Mr. Torres before you come up to your final conclusion. We can see some of the clues from what Gael and Christi have said but I suggest you guys do some inspection first we may be wrong,'' said the doctor. ''Yeah I agree. And thanks for the information guys,'' I said to Gael and Christi, ''also thank you for rushing Madelyn to the hospital I don't know what I could have done or what could have happened to her,'' I told them. ''Yeah. Poison is not something to play with,'' said the doctor. ''Speaking say do you know what kind of poison that was?'' I asked. ''Well I don't know for sure exactly which type of poison it is but my colleagues and I will have a look at it and soon we will tell you,'' said the doctor.

''Thank you doctor. Bytherway Madelyn how is she now? Is she awake or sleeping?'' I asked. ''I left her sleeping. She didn't wake up since she was brought in. But I will go check on her now she must be better then I will tell you guys to come in,'' said the doctor. ''Thank you doctor. If she's awake can you please tell her to give me any of her family members' phone number I need to let them know,'' said Leonardo. ''Yes no problem. Indeed that is very important,'' said the doctor. He went to check on Madelyn.

Doctor's Pov

I found Madelyn awake. She looked around the hospital room looking so confused. ''Where where am I?'' asked Madelyn. ''Madelyn finally you are awake! You in the hospital,'' I said to her. ''Hospital???'' asked Madelyn in shock. ''Yes,'' I said. ''Umm doctor what? I don't understand what am I doing here?'' asked Madelyn. ''It's a long story. But long story short you passed out and you were rushed to the hospital,'' said the doctor. She still looked confused. ''But doctor I...oh now I remember. That Trinity damn her! I should have never trusted her again. I knew what I was saying that wasn't a bone no wonder she was begging me to eat the food,'' said Madelyn. ''No it wasn't a bone it was poison,'' I told her. ''Wait what? So doctor you mean Trinity poisoned me?'' asked Madelyn. ''Well I don't know for sure who the culprit is but you were definitely poisoned,'' I said. ''I can't believe it! No I can't believe her! She is definitely the one!'' exclaimed Madelyn. ''I don't know Madelyn let's not rush to a conclusion. I even told Leonardo to do an inspection on all his workers there could be more to it,'' I said. ''Well maybe. But I know its definitely her!'' exclaimed Madelyn, ''oh how rude of me. How could I not ask I was so caught up with this Trinity issue...bytherway doctor who brought me to the hospital?'' asked Madelyn. ''Leonardo, Gael, and Christi,'' I said. ''What? Really?'' asked Madelyn, ''oh I'm so grateful please doctor are they here? Can I see them?'' asked Madelyn.

''Yes they will come in now. But first I need your family members' contacts please their numbers. And Leonardo will call them,'' I said. ''Oh no please that won't be necessary. I don't want to disturb them. Besides I'm feeling much better already,'' said Madelyn. ''Disturb them??? Madelyn you were poisoned! Of course they need to know. And according to our rules your family has to know,'' I said. ''Alright doctor. Here then,'' said Madelyn. She wrote the numbers down.

I went and gave Leonardo and he went and called them.

Leonardo's Pov

On the phone...

''So you mean my daughter was poisoned??!!'' exclaimed Mr. Parker. ''Yes Sir,'' I said. ''Wait what?'' he asked. ''Yeah I'm so sorry about that and we think Trinity is responsible,'' I said. ''Who the hell is Trinity now? And what does she want from Madelyn?!!'' exclaimed Mr. Parker. ''That's what we don't know. But Madelyn was sick and Trinity made her food but then when Gael and Christi went to check on her she began chocking and that's when Gael called me then we rushed her to the hospital,'' I told him. ''Wait what? You see this is why I told Madelyn to stay away from these fame things not to get involved with such people because it seems they are jealous of Madelyn talking with you Leonardo. And I know you are just being a good boss,'' said Mr. Parker. ''Or did you too have a fight with her? Were you too involved in this their plan?'' asked Mr. Parker. ''No Sir. Absolutely not! And why would I?'' I asked him. ''Okay fine I believe you. I was just asking because you know things happen. Thank you Leonardo for making sure she got treated and saved on time we will be there soon,'' said Mr. Parker. ''Okay Sir see you,'' I said.

Christi's Pov

Gael and I went home. We left Leonardo in the hospital. ''There she is,'' said Gael pointing to Trinity. 'Hey guys. I was looking for you everywhere till the security guards told me what happened that you rushed Madelyn to the hospital. Oh my God! Is she okay?!!'' exclaimed Trinity. Is she pretending right now?!! I was so disappointed in her. Not even words could express it. ''Don't act Trinity! We know it was you! You poisoned her and even the doctor confirmed it was poison,'' said Gael. ''Poison?!'' Trinity jumped to her feet. ''Oh my God! Who could such an evil deed? But I swear it wasn't me. How can you blame me?'' asked Trinity. ''You see you are starting now. But I don't have time for this you better come clean because your denying won't help you,'' said Gael. He stormed out. ''So it was you wasn't it? Come on Trinity you know you can trust me you can tell me anything right?'' I asked her. ''Yes,'' said Trinity.

She took me to the side. Holding my shoulders and looking at me with teary eyes. ''Yes I know. Just like you said I can trust you right? But please please don't tell anyone Christi. Yes I did poison her. I'm so sorry I let jealousy take over me. Please I swear not to do it again. But please please don't tell anyone I beg you,'' said Trinity. I looked at her unable to believe...what kind of friend is this? ''So will you keep my secret?'' asked Trinity. I looked down and sighed. ''Yes,'' I said softly. ''Really? Be serious Christi like on a serious note. Please don't tell anyone especially Leonardo,'' said Trinity. ''Okay Trinity,'' I said. She hugged me.

I felt so guilty. I know I told her I won't tell anyone but...deep down I knew I should tell everyone. What if Madelyn died huh? Then what? But Trinity is my friend so if I tell I will lose my friendship. But Madelyn doesn't deserve this. So what do I do?

I was so confused. 

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