Chapter 24: Natalia's Confession

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I went over to Natalia's house but I didn't find her there so I waited there until she comes. She wasn't going to get away with this this time.

Natalia's Pov

I didn't like what I saw on social media. All my friends and family were disappointed in me and everyone hated me. I went to confront Eleanor I didn't care anymore. I could now see that she only cared about herself as long as she got what she wanted.

''Natalia! What a surprise!'' exclaimed Eleanor but I didn't care. ''Aren't you going to say anything?'' asked Eleanor. ''Like what? Didn't you see what is on social media?'' I asked her. ''Oh I see. But I told you Natalia that you should be patient I know what I'm doing. Soon you won't be the one seen in the wrong or flirting or whatever but these things should go step by step,'' said Eleanor. ''But how will you fix it? To be honest Eleanor I didn't think you meant that it would go this far,'' I said to her. ''Don't worry,'' is all she had to say. ''I already have a bad name now! Everyone hates me!'' I yelled. ''Hey will you relax? This hurts me as well but be patient okay I promise I will fix it,'' said Eleanor.

I didn't know what to believe. I felt like I didn't trust her anymore. I went back home not knowing what to do but I guess I should just do what she said. From a distance I could see Leonardo. Hell no! I now decreased my speed. I walked slowly. Till I reached him. ''Oh hi there I was waiting for you,'' said Leonardo. ''What are you doing here?'' I asked him. ''Is that how you welcome me? I think the better question is, what are you doing here? You asked me to help you get an apartment and I did but it wasn't this one,'' said Leonardo. ''So what?! Maybe I didn't like it and now I got this one!'' I exclaimed. ''You are a lieying again! See you are a liar!'' Leonardo yelled.

He kind of scared me. I've never heard him talk like that but I didn't show it anyway. ''So what?! What are you doing here anyway? Think I love you huh? I don't love you go away!'' I exclaimed. Oops did I just expose myself? ''So it's true? And I had a feeling you don't love me. You were just pretending and then you even faked it on social media making me look bad! So what exactly are you up to and whom do you work for?'' asked Leonardo. I started laughing so hard. ''What do you mean by that huh?'' I asked him. ''Now don't pretend I know you work for Eleanor correct?'' asked Leonardo. ''Wait what? And why would you think I'm working for her?'' I asked him. ''I don't know only you know. But I'm not going anywhere until you tell me the truth!'' exclaimed Leonardo. ''I've already told you the truth you sound crazy go away!'' I exclaimed.

''No!'' Leonardo sticked to his word. There was no point in denying it. Besides I already got a bad name my image was already damaged. And Eleanor only thinks of herself. ''You are right! I do work for Eleanor!'' I told him. ''Wait what?!'' Leonardo was in shock. ''Yeah I'm so sorry Leonardo but trust me it wasn't my intention I never knew Eleanor would take it this far,'' I said. ''But why did you work for her in the first place? Are you one of the people in her team? So you all want to hurt me huh? Just because Eleanor can't have me,'' said Leonardo. ''No actually I'm not part of her team she just found me and proposed this idea to me...I first denied but then she said I wouldn't do anything bad I would just be kissing you and make myself like I'm close to you then she will edit the rest. Then she manipulated me into this and finally I accepted because I really wanted to go to London to Daisy it's a big opportunity for me and also it would help my family,'' I told him. ''Oh. I see. So you basically a starter in music?'' asked Leonardo. ''Yeah,'' I told him.

''Now I understand hope you are being honest now? But I know this means alot to you but honestly Natalia you shouldn't let Eleanor manipulate you of course she would take it this far. Eleanor, she only cares about herself and what she wants and no one else. And now both me and you have a bad name and even Daisy won't be too happy when she hears about this,'' said Leonardo. ''Yeah I know and that is why I'm so disappointed in myself. But I promise you Leonardo I will fix this,'' I said. ''Yeah. You should have been patient and even though it was a big opportunity but if there was no way out it was better to continue working hard and you never know another opportunity could have come up or you could have made it there. Or if you already made the mistake of accepting you could have told me and we would take Eleanor down together and maybe I could have helped you,'' said Leonardo. ''Yeah indeed. I'm so sorry for this Leonardo honestly I will fix this as soon as possible!'' I convinced him. ''Thanks at least the world will now know the truth. Hey I can help you let's do this together,'' said Leonardo. ''No don't worry. This is something I need to do on my own,'' I told him. ''Are you sure?'' he asked me.

''100% sure! Just give me some time Leonardo,'' I requested. Leonardo agreed. He was such a great person! I regretted putting him into this but it was time for Eleanor to pay!

Martin's Pov

I invited Johnny to join me in having coffee at a small café. ''Thank you for joining me my friend,'' I said to him. ''You are welcome. I have to admit though ever since Joanna started working in my restaurant I started having a little free time,'' said Johnny. ''Oh Joanna yeah you told me. I almost forgot,'' I said. ''Yeah. But she also brought few of her other workers and she wanted to bring Trinity too imagine,'' said Johnny. ''She's actually not that bad you should accept her Johnny. I know she poisoned Madelyn but only because she loved Leonardo and she was out of control but it was a big mistake. She can't repeat it!'' I told him. ''Are you sure? I'm scared for my customers,'' said Johnny. ''Don't worry. Besides she's part of Eleanor's plan she will be a big help,'' I said to him. ''Oh so she's also working with us?'' asked Johnny surprised. ''Yeah Johnny. But one thing that irritates me about her is the fact that she won't let me touch her,'' I said. ''You are trying to flirt with Trinity Martin? For goodness sake! You have a wife!'' he just had to remind me. ''Yeah a boring wife,'' I said.

''Oh so she's still like that?'' asked Johnny. ''Yeah man and I tried to talk to her as you said but still no change! Instead she thought I was offending her,'' I told him. ''Oh boy,'' Johnny sighed, ''my wife used to be like that but once I talked to her she changed. Maybe my wife should talk to your wife.'' Johnny suggested. ''Yeah maybe,'' I sighed. Johnny continued talking. But I saw Trinity, my daughter, and my wife then I stopped listening.

''Let's find another seat somewhere else please,'' I told Johnny. ''Why?'' he asked me. ''My wife is here. And she's with Trinity and my daughter please I don't want her to see me,'' I told him. Johnny started laughing. ''Lols Martin you are so delusional,'' he said. ''I'm serious Johnny!'' I exclaimed. ''Okay okay fine,'' said Johnny. We finally shifted.

Leonardo's Pov '

I went back to my parents' house. Dad was not yet back. ''Dad is not yet back?'' I asked them. ''No dear. And where have you been? You took so long!'' mom exclaimed. ''Its true. It wasn't Natalia. Well it was but she worked for Eleanor! It was all Eleanor's planning!''

Their eyes widened!

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