Chapter 16: Fewer true friends are better than many fake friends

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Leonardo's Pov

''Wait. So you knew it was her all along? You knew and you kept quiet?'' I asked Christi. ''No it's not like that. She actually only told me earlier today and I was so shocked!'' exclaimed Christi, ''and then she told me to keep it a secret saying she didn't mean to I think jealousy was killing her. I made a promise to her I will but I knew I couldn't keep that promise. I mean like this was someone's life in danger and even though Madelyn survived but still, she needs justice. But still I was confused between the two also I was scared that my friendship with Trinity will be over so I was so confused. I asked myself so many questions. Then I went to get advise from my mom. I didn't tell her the situation exactly and also she didn't tell me which decision I should make. After talking to my mom I made a decision and I know for sure it was the best decision I could make,'' said Christi. ''Wow Christi, I'm so proud of you. That must have been a tough decision for you to make. I know of course you were worried about Madelyn just like we were and you wanted justice for her but I know you and Trinity were getting close. Also hearing that she poisoned Madelyn must have been hard for you,'' I said.

''It was indeed Leonardo. Like I didn't ever think she would go this far. Like I knew before she had a crush on you but I didn't think she would take it this far. Besides she always talks to you. Why couldn't she talk to you? Besides you are not dating Madelyn,'' said Christi. ''Exactly. And that is what people are not getting,'' I said. ''You know guys...neither did I know Trinity would go this far. But when I found out Madelyn was poisoned, I knew for sure it had to be Trinity! How she has been acting towards Madelyn these days hasn't been right! I guess people change. And I guess we didn't want to accept the change in her,'' said Gael. ''Yeah I guess,'' I said. ''Well now we got more clues so that means we got her now!'' exclaimed Gael. ''Not so fast Gael. We got clues order to have full proof that she did it we need to find something still proving evidence against her,'' I said. ''Oh yeah. And shame Christi's information is the closest to prove her guilty. Too bad she didn't record her. Because she wasn't expecting...'' said Gael. ''Indeed,'' I said. ''But I have a plan guys. Don't worry we can still prove Trinity guilty,'' said Christi. ''Really? But how?'' I asked her. ''Trinity is still here right? She has no idea I told you guys. So I'll go distract her. She will probably ask me if I told her little secret and I will admit I did. Then she will start her drama of how can I do this to her and all...she will spill everything to me thinking she's only talking to me but I'll secretly record her. She won't see my phone,'' said Christi.

''Wow! Christi that's a brilliant plan!'' I exclaimed. ''Yeah Christi. I'm so proud of you but let me join you with my plan too. We both distract her but not together okay. Infact let me do my plan first since yours is longer. I will act like I'm hungry wanting to take the food from the pot but she will be obviously wanting to take hold of the pot then I will be asking her why she doesn't want me to take the food then you Christi will pass by and call her then I will say fine I'm going then I will take the sample of the food and keep it. And then you Leonardo you can be getting the police while we get the evidence ready,'' said Gael. ''Yeah great plans guys! We will surely prove her guilty thanks for all the help! Yeah I will go get the police but first we will head to the hospital so the police can get Madelyn's side of the story. Then we will come here. But please guys keep Trinity distracted till I come with the police we don't want her running away. Of course she doesn't know our plan but if she goes home she might think about that,'' I said, ''and also Christi when you record her please immediately keep the recording safe that it doesn't get deleted,'' I said. ''Don't worry Leonardo I'll make sure it's safe I'll even keep it in various files just in case something happens,'' said Christi.

''Thanks guys let the plan begin!'' I exclaimed.

Authoress' Pov

So they went on to play their parts as in order to get the evidence.

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