Chapter 1 (Quiet in the Dark)

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Lincoln Loud, Quiet Kid - Chapter 1 (Quiet in the Dark)

AN: This one is an AU where Lincoln Loud is labeled as the certain cliche/trope called "The Quiet Kid". This may contain dark, comedic or mature themes not suitable for kids. Discretion and/or Parental Involvement/Adult Supervision might be advised. As per rule of AU/FanFics, there will be some, if not little to no similarities to the canon continuity. So for those who are weary of bad episodes like NSL, things will be different... I can assure you. It may or may not happen, same with the "Movie", or the Newer Seasons of TLH/TC. And I don't plan on rehashing what is written in Canon... rather, there will be certain chapters that doesn't follow the canon seasons from beginning to the recent. This is may appear as a rehash of what the Canon is but with Lincoln having the personality trait of the "Quiet One" (Just search of Kiyotaka Ayanokoji in Google).

TLH/TC belongs to Nickelodeon/Viacom.

That said, please enjoy. Leave a like, follow, review and stay safe. Shalom Aleichem/Peace be with You!! To God be all the Glory! And PLEASE READ AN BELOW TOO!

'Twas a peaceful night in Royal Woods, Michigan. Most of the time, in these kinds of night... people are rushing in to get the remote to watch their favorite night show on TV. Lincoln Albert Loud... despite his namesake, he had been the most tame and quiet amongst his family of two parents; a mother and a father, and his 10 sisters; 5 elder and 5 younger. Him and his best friend, Clyde McBride are going to watch the season finale of their ghost-hunting show, ARGGH! And since Clyde is still ogling on Lori (Yes, this is before Haiku, Penelope, Emma or Chloe came to play), Lincoln decided that it's best that they watch separately. Lincoln once suggested a sleepover but because it was school night (Sunday is considered as school night as Monday comes next), they could not do so.

Hold on, wait a second... this is exactly what happened in the Canon-Verse! What makes this so different? Well, I'll tell you all about this "Quiet Kid" trope. You see, many had named this cliche or archetype before... the Introvert, the Smart, the Dangerously Silent, The Classmate with the Gun... all points to one thing... the Quiet Kid. It sounds stupid... you're right. People mistook the quiet children of schools as an "aspiring school shooter" and everyone is afraid of that... to a point that they dare not interact or "tick" him off, lest you'll be in his target list. They are dangerously stoic, strong and smart for their own good. You won't see them with a hint of anger, kinda like Ferb (Phineas & Ferb). They're innovative but they never seemed to hold any word on their own unless it was necessary. So why is it that they always think that being a "Quiet Kid" is considered a danger to anyone?

Has anyone heard of the expression: "There are three things a man fears; a sea with storms, a quietly dark and moonless night, and the wrath of a patient man. For the wrath of a patient man knows no mercy." or this one: "Must I at Length the Sword of Justice draw? Oh curst Effects of necessary Law! How ill my fear they by my Mercy scan, beware the Fury of a Patient Man!" If not, then look for John Dryden; a poet, playwright/dramatist. That very much entails that even the most patient, kind, understanding or stoic/unmoved person had limits on how they can deal with nuisances or annoyance... and when you do reach to that boiling point... HELL HATH NO FURY THAN QUIET KID SCORNED. You can test a man's endurance and they will recover in a day, but to test their patience... it will take years, decades or centuries before they could forgive and recover the same amount of patience.

Is Lincoln really that patient? In this AU, Yes. Scheming, again in this AU... yes! He's just as smart as Lisa, stoic as Lucy, had a strong sense of good and justice just as Lana, Lily and Leni, talented and strong like Luna, Lola and LJ/Lynn (Jr), efficient leader like Lori, but had some sense of humor or optimism like Luan. Now you see how the "Quiet Kid" function... let's go back to how things will play out. He may not express it but Lincoln is quite enthusiastic in watching the season finale of his show. However, he knows that things may not always go as planned. Even if he carefully calculate how things will go out, certain factors may come... but it doesn't hurt to be a little bit ready for the unexpected. Lincoln hurriedly rushed through the hall and sled on the stair to get to the TV.

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