QnA (Quiet and Answers) 1

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Lincoln Loud, Quiet Kid: QnA (Quiet and Answers)

AN: This one is an AU where Lincoln Loud is labeled as the certain cliche/trope called "The Quiet Kid". This may contain dark, comedic or mature themes not suitable for kids. Discretion and/or Parental Involvement/Adult Supervision might be advised. This is a QnA portion which isn't part of the AU timeline. As much as possible, I'd like to avoid spoilers for the future chapters. That said, certain questions will be answered in hopes to clarify the readers of their concerns.

TLH/TC belongs to Nickelodeon/Viacom.

That said, please enjoy. Leave a like, follow, review and stay safe. Shalom Aleichem/Peace be with You!! To God be all the Glory! And PLEASE READ AN BELOW TOO!

-Welcome to the "Quiet" Question and Answers portion of the Loud House AU, "Lincoln Loud, Quiet Kid" where certain questions will be entertained for the sake of those who are reading this story! I'm your host, Pirohiko-Baltazar (or Healer-Raphael) but just call me PiroBal and I'm with the resident "Quiet Kid" of the Loud Family, Lincoln Albert Loud! [Round of Applause and Family Feud theme]-

PiroBal: Well then, just to clarify some things. Questions will either be italicized/underlined while answers will be given by our guest of honor in form of "quoted" text since... well, he'd rather not talk.

Lincoln nods as we proceed with the questions. I then shuffle the cards and given the first question.

In order from oldest to youngest sister... give your honest opinion for each of them! Do you love them?

PiroBal: Oh this one is simple. What do you think Lincoln?

Lincoln then wrote the following and showed it to our jumbo screen.

"First of is Lori. She's confident, efficient and authoritative. She's a good leader for all of us."

The audience awed of the answers, even me and Lori at the first row seat.

"But she often time is such a b1tch and a control freak. And had this superiority complex of being 'firstborn' that pains us in the neck. She can be rude and annoying and a liar, not once to admit mistakes. A frequent flatulent not on par with Lily. Often times, I'm having a conflicted feeling on whether or not I'd label her as the 'worst sister' among the rowdy bunch."

The audience shared their 'oofs' [pained grunts] as for me too. Lori covers herself in shame.

Luna: Dang, he got you there.

Luan: No kidding. I'm afraid of what he'll say next to me.

Luna: He wasn't lying though. Lori, you need to lay off the habit.

Lori: Shut up, all of you... I don't wanna hear it!

"Leni comes next. The only thing I had trouble with is that... she's a dense r3t4rd... no offense. But that is overshadowed by the fact that she's very nice, naive but kind and forgiving. I think I love her more than the rest. She's not technically my favorite but... she's getting close. Despite being mentally challenged and often had to clarify things for her and having to separate metaphors from literal word string, it's all countered by the fact that she'll see less of your bad side and more of the good. I don't want that to be taken out of her... that innocence is why I still tolerate human life."

The audience clapped as Leni sobbed tears of joy.

LJ: I mean... the first part was uncalled for but... hey, at least the rest was good.

Luna: Oh geez, I'm next.

"Luna... What can I say? She's noisy and often infuriating... you'd go deaf just being with her."

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