1. Imprints

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The noblest of the noble and the most ancient families with an ancient mind to match came together. Another get together of the purest of the pure where each families boast and fill their already-big egos.

While the ancient of the noble and ancient families discussed something which looked a bit more serious, the children were engaged in another activity which was surely far more pleasant and uplifting than what the adults were discussing. Normally the chats about the blood purity and such were discussed infront of the children. But there were exceptions, when the sanest of the members felt uncomfortable on including their children on certain discussions.

The younglings were going on and on about their adventurous and exciting life. Hogwarts life. The period all the wizarding kids are looking forward for. The youngest of the youngsters were beaming with joy and excitement, hearing the stories and experiences while the older engaged in their own little conversations only stopping to add their own bits for the main magical conversation happening.

Everyone were engaged in their own magical conversations but one sat among the youngsters, looking a bit disinterested on the conversation. He looked a bit uncomfortable and awkward there, like a black sheep.

Well, he is a black sheep among the Blacks. The young lord Black who just finished his first year of Hogwarts, who happened to be in Gryfindoor. A ruby amongst the emeralds.
Sirius Black.

"Slytherin common room sounds so magnificent. I would die to see the underwater view right this moment. " A sweet yet sophisticated childlike voice chanted. Sapphire robes made her look a bit more older than she was.

"Oh you will love it Ms. Fawley! After all it will be your new home soon" Greengrass assured, giving her a smile.

"Surely" she smiled. "What about the Gryfindoor? " she asked the crowd. Well, there's only one who could possibly answer it.
The black haired boy looked at her with his stormy eyes, a small smile blooming on his face. She wanted him in the conversation. He was about to answer when someone interrupted by answering.

"Always loud and messy for sure. I heard there's always a party, so you can't relax either." Rosier butted in and there were small giggles from the group.

"Proves nothing but that we know how to enjoy our lives! It's really fun Amara, the bunch are nice.
And you will love the view from there! The ground and the forest and the sky, the night sky! I bet gryfindoor tower has the best view after the astronomy tower! Gryffindors are the best people to be around-"

"They all are just a bunch of funny teenagers. Just funny, no brains or whatever" Greengrass snickered, and a lot laughed with him this time. Now many older younglings had their attention on the main conversation. Sirius looked uncomfortable and a slightly angry.

"Really? I thought the brightest students of our year were Gryfindoor. Just because they know how to enjoy life doesn't mean that they're shallow. Maybe you should broaden your mind a bit more."

"Broaden my mind?! For the mudblood and the blood traitors! How atrocious, coming from a Black! Your traitor Potter friend is manipulating you! We're supposed to know better than that! I knew gryfindoor was bad news!   Greengrass spat with disgust.

"Potters are pure blooded just like us, you know it, if you really care!"

"Just like us! Shame! They betrayed us. If our kind ends one day, they will be the reason. You lost your head, Black. Let me tell you, beware of your friends, you won't have anything good with the likeness of traitors."

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