3. Grow up

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Days leaked away pretty quickly for everyone except the freshly admitted Hogwarts students. As the last days arrived, the excitement in the air suffocated the families of those children.

Minutes by minutes, new questions were raised, but as hours went by, the questions got pretty much ridiculous, as every year witnessed. Every citizens of the wizarding world must have gone through those shots of excitement and foolish pleasures in asking those random questions.

The merry of the new magical academic year spread through out the Magical Britian, which muggles were preparing for their own new year of education. Shops and streets of Diagon ally overflowed with customers. Ollivander's looked just as old as it looked a century ago. The little Miss Fawley exited the centuries-old wand shop with a big grin plastered on her face, she hurried to her brother's side to show off her brand new wand.

"Well that was faster than i expected. I took way too longer than that. I might be just a unique person." Eilam replied.

"Well, you should visit Madam Malkins! Mother, my old uniforms are in a great condition, i want to visit Sugarplum's while you both-"

"You need new clothes, gentleman! You do not know how much you grew this holiday!" Melania refused his proposal.

"Mine are perfectly fitting for me. I was planning to get some chocolates and other sweets. I read that chocolate helps with concentration and energy, i need some." Eilam reasoned.

"Are you sure you don't want to get new clothes?"

"Yes. You got me new ones during the Easter holidays. Plus you can get clothes for me, ones you think will fit me the best. Mother certainly knows the best!" Eilam charmed.

"Alright then." Melania smiled hearing his comment.

"Thank you!" He hurried away like he attained freedom for the first time ever. He looked so exicted on getting chocolate, more happier than a toddler. He does not even like chocolate that much. Suspicious.

"I should have asked him to get some for me!"

"We can join Eilam later if you want. Now let's visit Madam Malkin's."


Madam Malkin's were full of wizards and witches alike. Uniforms or party robes, anything of your dreams, Madam Malkin had.

Madam Malkin's self measuring tapes were doing it's wonder among the customers. Her mother left her there in the line and continued her clothing exploration on the chamber to the right.

Quite a small line than she expected. Obviously, others must have shopped their robes already, none of them must have waited to do those stuff last minute, like the Fawleys did.

The Fawleys were set to go earlier, but Eilam got sick, really sick that a healer had to be requested. The healer said that he had some reactions because of the overdose of Migraine Managing serum.
That must have been why Holly was there then.

Amara spotted few children the size of herself waiting for their chance and waited in the small queue.

Soon she was next. And another, a blonde girl, probably her age. She looked like a personified version of the word bliss for some reason. The girl gave her a smile.

"Hogwarts first year?" The blonde asked, starting the conversation.

"Yes, should I assume the same about you?"

"Oh no no, I'm a second year. Anyways, i am Marlene McKinnon. What's your name?" Marlene Mckinnon. Marlene. I've heard that name.
Amara chuckled remembering her.

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