4. Something to Love, Secretly.

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The morning bloomed; So did a new chapter for many of the children; and adults.

The houses of the magical Britian were already up, earlier than a lion's half of these families were used to. It is the magic of the September 1st that all the young children, the freshly admitted disciples of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, woke up first, usually; some may not have slept at all.

The atmosphere has turned from full of excitement to full of excitement, anxiety and a tune of sorrow, which was being played on a high volume.
The sadness was partly covered due to the magical families being too busy preparing to send their children to Hogwarts.

Fawleys were not the same. They were all packed a day ahead. The parents, woke up like usual; early birds.

But Amara was earliest of them all. She looked like she had the sleep of her life. She went straight to room after her morning tea and got ready fast. Great, she was already 2 hours ahead of the magical British. And she waited. Amara wore a lilac robe and she was all set to go, she could not wait any further.

Melania Fawley followed her daughter soon to the hall while Silas was still getting ready.

The morning lover and enjoyer Mr. Eilam Fawley was late that Mrs. Fawley had to sent their lovely house elf Holly to get him, turns out he was still sleeping.

Wierdly, he grew a habit of waking late when he reached his 5th year. He was perfectly normal till last Christmas break.

The screaming of his mother did the charm for him. He started his lively morning by screaming back at her.

Here we go again.

Amara did not expect that morning to be filled with screams and tauntings. She was expecting something emotional.

Eilam's excuse for being late was that he was reading all night.

Amara heard the sound of apparition in his room by 10. She found him sleeping by 10:30 when she went to show him their grandmother's necklace, which was passed on to her mother when she went to Hogwarts, now to her.

Several complaints, teas and the breakfast later, the time the children were looking forward to finally arrived.
The family's vehicle of transportation, the ministry of magic's car, arrived in their front yard. A good connection to the ministry can score you that. Trust the Fawleys when they say that.

The following ride to the King's cross was silent as it can be, which was only broken for a split time by Eilam who apologized to his mother for his rude behavior. Melania nodded and the silence continued.

10.26 AM

Finally they reached the station. The station was filled with muggles, people clothed in muggle clothes atleast. There were people like the Fawleys, in robes, but they were not as lavish or eye catching as they were in Diagon Ally.

They passed the barrier to find many families greeting each other or families conversing with their younglings for the last time.

Amara found many familiar faces and one particular face with storms for his eyes was coming straight to her with a polite and warm smile.

"I thought you would be earlier than me."

"Hello there, little prince" Amara greeted with a giggle.

"Merlin! not again! Almost everyone forgot about that, can't you too?"

"But Mr. Black, i find it rather adorable. I'm sure Mrs. Black still calls you that." She sniggered.

"So that's how is it. Ms. Grace Fawley."

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