2. Madness within

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That evening was majestic; the weather, the function and Sirius Black. She had fun, the one she thought belonged to the fictional world. They talked and then admired the sky together. Sirius was all about the sky, just like Regulus. Must be a Black family thing. Inturn, Amara commented on flowers of Lestrange garden, something her side of family adored.

Amara's face was glowing like a bulb, just like Sirius' during the conversation. Her face mirrored her mind. The heat of the conversation that still sweetly nagged her heart nurtured her smile that it grew to be a big blooming flower. Everything seemed perfect at that moment. The disagreements didn't even crossed her mind.

Her heart was filled with Hogwarts, more than ever. Maybe because the reality is sooner than ever.
Curse Sirius, he made it sound like paradise, curse Sirius, because he made her want to meet his friends too and curse Sirius, because she was dying to see what the infamous muggle-borns of hogwarts were about. Hogwarts sounded crazy from the point of view of Sirius Black and she loved that new.

The Fawleys returned home after the long night but they weren't really about to sleep, she knew. It is the time where the whispers and talks of the crowd are made loud to the family. It has became a second nature of the Fawley family, another way of letting their children know where they stand. It is counted as a quality time they all have as a family.

Eilam looked really tired, not a wonder, by the amount of socializing he did. He took a deep breathe on the scene of the living room and sat on the couch next to mother. He is usually the social butterfly, with cards of charms up his sleeves.

He looked really weary today, probably from talking to Clarisse Lestrange from France for the first time. Merlin knows why he looked like a lost puppy during their conversation, which he rarely was.

"The Lestrange's Mansion looks more sophisticated, don't you think?" Melania started.

"They probably redecorated for the arrival of their French extensions. I certainly saw some influences of a Black in there. Quite magnificent, yes. Bellatrix might have had a say in it." Silas said, looking quite interested.

"Bellatrix looks quite splendid with the Lestranges, don't you think? Good for her, she found a great family. Born powerful and chose powerful. Finally. I did not quite expect that they will take that long for the wedding. " Melania spoke with a certain sharpness to her words which did not make any sense in the conversation but the listeners understood.

Her voice softened in a split second addressing her son. "Eilam dear, how was your chat with Ms. Lestrange? She is quite an extraordinary witch!"

"She was a nice girl, yeah, and, uh quite extraordinary. She likes quidditch and she likes it here in Britian, that's about it i guess? Oh well... she seemed quite interested in our family and let me know about her family too. They sounds...uhh well...nice?"

"Splendid! She is a wonderful witch, top of her year, i heard! She would be a great acquaintance for us. Lestrange family in France is just as strong as ours but they are getting weaker, yes. Dimitri Lestrange hinted their plan to move here, you know, we are not sure yet, but i do suspect that. Why else would he be here? Eilam mentioned Clarisse's liking of Britian too! It might mean something." Melania adduced in a cheerful way.

"Yes, yes, quite beautiful, would make a lovely pair for the scion of Fawley. Clearly both parties are interested. If that makes our son happy then we-"

Silas was interrupted by his appalled son.

"Why don't we give it some time? I shall think about it further more after my education is complete, i wish to put my concentration into it this year, OWLS are really important for my future. So, can i request more time? We have plenty of time to discuss my post- education life."

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