chapter 1

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. Why does it exist? Why does it hurt so much? Why do we all have to suffer it?

But the one thing about it is that pain doesn't last


My alarm clock blared through my room as the song Wiz khalifa feat. Charlie Puth see you again and I truly love that song and my normal routine begins by me showering, dressing and sitting on my windows seat looking at the sunrise with a book in my hand and a mug of cocoa because I am not a big fan of coffee. We live in a huge house because my dad owns this huge company which he took after my grandpa who passed away when my dad turned 19, that's when he was done with highschool but was studying in university and had had a family to look after, so then he studied while he took over the business. he had to work hard for what we have today and I'm grateful for it because without my father's hard work, where would we have been. Today is Saturday and the reason I woke up so early is because of the sunrise and the birds and the sound of the ocean where we live nearby but what caught my attention today was the moving truck which was next door to where I live that the house where Mrs Jones used to live but left because her husbsnd passed away so she wanted to sell the house and i suppose this was the family who bought the house, there a son who looked like teen and a little girl who looked as if she was 4 and two lovely parents and the women holding a baby in her hand and by the looks of it i am sure it was a girl becauce of the pink everything.

My eyes locked with the boy his eyes shimering with excitement and amusement  but I immediately looked away not from embarrassment but my sister Josephine also known as Jose walking in my room with just a shorts and bra. And that's when you know she Had someone over.

"Had someone over?" I asked smiling ha, more like smirking.

As I looked deep into her blue green orbs did I see the same look of disgust since the day I had woken up from the coma. The same look I see all the time.

"What does that have to do with you?" She snapped even though I was used to this kind of attitude towards me it still stung everything as I looked down. "Well whatever but I need you to make for dad breakfast so that it seems as if i made the meal just so he could meet my boyfriend." she said.

I raised An eyebrow because she had never and i mean never ever had a boyfriend, maybe open relationships but that was it not an actual boyfriend where she wants to introduce the guy to my dad.

"Mom would have been proud you stopped all...that...well...y'know" I scratched the back of my neck nervously.

"Don't. Speak. About. Mom." She instructed quite angrily

I didn't say anything afterwards as I saw a tear fall down her face I would have cried to but after my mom's death I became broken to a point even in school all the bullying and taunting is like a normal thing for me, it hurts I cry and that's why it's so easy to hurt the vulnerable idiot girl.

I walked down the stairs of our mansion and started on breakfast although we have maids and a chef i make it because my dad loves my food but he thinks it's Jose who makes it. I finished and and took what i made for myself to my room. My brother Bradley walked passed me and bumbed my shoulder, I looked at him as a tear fell down my cheek thinking my own twin hates me because of mom's death.

But the thing is I always have and will blame my mom's death on me because of my selfishness she's gone.

He looked at me but then just walked away without a second glance I ran to my room and left my food to the side
and just slid down the wall and tears started to fall down my face.

"Hey are you alright" a deep voice said I looked up and saw on the other side of the room by my window and saw the house opposite me was my new neighbors and it was that boy.

"It's nothing" I said standing up and wiping my tears away and walked to my window

"Well it doesn't look like 'nothing'" he said using air quotations on the word nothing.

"Well it is!" I snapped slamming my window shut and closing my curtains and cried even more.

My door opened revealing Adam who looked at me, he too couldn't stand me but his wife forces him to talk to me I remembered their wedding they are highschool sweet hearts where she is now 23 too but 5 months younger than Adam they got married last year and that was the worst year of my life but it didn't stop me from being strong, even though every year on Bradley's and I's birthday would be a day before our moms death anniversary so he would celebrate his birthday while I sit in my room and cry or steal a cupcake and just sing to myself because I couldn't stand being around my family who hates me.

" y'know Adam don't try to be nice to me if you can't even stand to be near me so please.... just...go" my voice was just above a whisper.

"Brooklyn are....are you crying?" He asked

"Adam before you got married you have never ever gave me a second glance you knew and still do know that I cry my-myself to sleep so why bother caring now when you know you didn't, yeah I understand mom's death was because of me but don't you think it's worse on me because I have to face believing that I was the cause of mom's death my own twin, MY OWN DAMN TWIN doesn't even talk to me and hates me, my small sister doesn't even know how mom looks because of ME, I HATE MYSELF and what do you all do is make it even worse JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" I screamed by now my dad, both sisters, twin and Adams wife , Sara, were all there staring at me wide eyed as all there eyes were watery and Adam stood shocked

"I had enough for 12 years and now is where I draw the line, I hate the lies, I hate the looks and i definitely hate that my own family hates me" I said my voice lower than a whisper.

I stood and pushed all them out, slammed my door shut, locked it, grabbed my blade, started cutting and crying over and over and with the loss of blood I fell into sweet darkness where i hoped that I will never wake up again.



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