chapter 24

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-you never know how strong you are until being strong is strong is the only choice you have-

×Brooklyn's POV×

When I finally decide to wake up ,which is starting to annoy me because I keep blacking out, I saw my dad sat in a chair next to me, asleep.
He was the only one in the room.
I sat up and looked around for a glass of water and saw it was on the opposite side of the room which annoyed me even more, shifting on the bed slightly to become comfortable I knocked my elbow again something and screamed "Mother f***er"
my dad got up immediately and the first thing he said well more like warned was: "Language"
Seriously after not seeing your daughter for about a week and two days the first thing you say is 'language'.

"Seriously dad" I gave a dead panned look.
"Do you want some water?" he asked.
I nodded, to think about it that time that I was there in that place, Ashton gave me water and food after those three days that I stayed hungry for, yes he gave me food but a small amount.
When my dad handed me the water I hadn't realized how thirsty I was until the water hit my lips and I drank it in just mere seconds.
After I sat the glass down I looked up at my dad, he looked broken, tears were welling up in his eyes while he looked at me.

"you have no idea how worried we were" he said
"we were going mad even the Richards were going mad, y'know they really like you, they think of you as family, but truly sweetheart, we couldn't sleep, eat or doing anything but search for you at that matter...."

"but who would of thought that Ashton would have done this I thought well we all thought that he left and he also made a mockery of you that he would have been so sick to steal my daughter away from me" after my dad said that he hugged tightly he kept repeating " I will not let you lose you like I lost your mom" he chanted.

"Oh dad, don't make me cry I think I've done enough of that in a while" I chuckled while tears fell down my face.

he chuckled too by now everyone was standing here my family and the Richards family.

They had tears in there eyes when they saw me.
each and every one of them hugged me and said how worried they were and that they missed me so much and the lost goes on....
The funny thing is that Elijah wasn't here which I was relieved because truly I didn't want to see him.
By 8 o'clock everyone left because I supposedly needed to 'rest'.
so here I am laying on the uncomfortable hospital bed and looking up at the ceiling but I have to admit it was nice just being by myself for once.

There was a knock in the door and I looked on my left to see Elijah walking in the room.

"What?" I asked becoming angry.

"now is that the way to talk to your savior" he said with a small smile.

"yeah the the savior that put me in there in the first place" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"And" he said dragging the word 'and' "that's why I'm here to explain everything"

Wow, he came here to save his butt but not even to see if I was okay.

"well you can explain all you want but I still won't forgive you" I said

"please can you just hear me out." he begged

"why should I?" I whispered asked.
It felt like my world was crumbling down as I saw his face fall.

"I know but it's worth a try isn't it?" he said.

"fine" I gave in.

so throughout the night he explained everything.

From how he first met Ashton, which he said that they were five and Ashton had to go to London to meet a family member and so they met at a park where they hit it off immediately and since then became friends.
As years went by Ashton and Elijah kind of lost contact and then just became strangers yet again, so once he moved back and met me, he then started getting calls from unknown numbers which freaked him out so he didn't answer him until once he answered without thinking and that person was Ashton, Elijah was happy to be back in contact with his friend but then Ashton said something which horrified him to the core.

Elijah then told me about how Ashton threatened Elijah that he would do something to me if Elijah didn't give him a good amount of money and that he continued to threaten Elijah if he didn't give Ashton the money he wanted.

He then told me about how Ashton threatened Elijah's family and said that it was either his family or me and that he tried to make many compromises with Ashton until he said that if he didn't get me, Ashton would kill me so he had no choice, it was either kill me or kidnap me.

"And so now that you know everything will you please forgive me" he begged.

I looked at him trying to process everything, like who does that just throws a huge bomb she'll and expects you do be so chilled about.
"Elijah, I'll have to think about it, it is alot to process if you think about it" I said
he nodded and stood up.
He was about to leave when I said "can you please stay...I'm scared" I whispered.

he smiled and nodded while sitting down next to me.
"just so you know I brought some ice-cream" he smiled deviously at me.

throughout the night we laughed and just enjoyed each others company as he made me laugh and for the first time in years I finally felt at home, happy and that I wasn't a waste of space.


Hey please vote and comment to tell me what you think I want to know if I should continue or stop?

love you lots ❤ Awesome_super_girl_ out ✌

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