Chapter 2

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Callie's POV
I pulled her face to mine our foreheads together and laid a soft kiss on her lips. I was so grateful to have her with me. She pulled away and looked up at me with those beautiful eyes. I could tell she was thinking something important. "Don't let them take it, Calliope" I knew exactly what she meant but I still asked "Take what my love?"
I could see that it did not go unnoticed but I needed her to say it. "My leg! Don't let them take my leg." tears fell from her eyes and she began to tremble. She looked like a scared little girl and I felt to overwhelming need to protect her so I said it. "I won't, I won't let them take it" I regretted those words as soon as they left my mouth. As an orthopaedic surgeon I knew with out a doubt that there was nothing that could be done to save her leg. I myself had tried everything.
"Promise?" A look of relief swam across her face.
"I promise you"
And with that she lowered her head to my chest and we fell asleep.

I woke when I felt someone prodding at my side, I opened my eyes and saw Brooks. "What do you want?" I hissed.
"I'm so sorry, Dr Torres but it's time for surgery" she whimpered. I nodded and she left the room. I gently lifted Arizona's head and laid it on the pillow, I bent giving her a soft kiss on her forehead and quietly left my wife.
I was in a surgery when Karev bust into the room.
"Torres, 911 on Arizona! She's crashing!"
I froze, in the back of my mind I knew it was only a matter of time. The infection had set deep into her leg and no amount of antibiotics were going to help.. I knew that and unfortunately Arizona knew that too.

Karev's yell broke my train of thought.

I was struggling to think, I began yelling all kinds of solutions at Alex, he'd done them all. I stood staring into his terrified eyes, truly looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Torres! What shou-"
"CUT IT OFF" I interrupted him mid sentence. I knew I was betraying my wife's wishes but at this point it was her or the leg and she won't need a leg if she's dead.
He stood still just watching me.
"I said cut it off! Now, move, go!"

With that he ran.
I could hardly focus through my surgery wondering if he'd got there in time but somehow I did it. I was kicking myself for leaving her but she was fine when I left! Her temperature was only slightly elevated and she seemed okay in herself.

As soon as I scrubbed out I ran! I made it to the room Arizona was recovering in, Hunt was stood outside with her chart in his hands.
"Hey Torres"
I looked deep into his eyes I felt nothing but exhaustion and sorrow.
"Callie, she's okay" Owen rubbed my shoulder, he must have sensed my anxiety. He continued "it was the leg, we had to or it would have killed her"
"I know I know, it had to be done but I promised her, Owen!"
He looked from me to Arizona and then focused his eyes deep in mine. "It's going to be tough when she wakes up but you need to stay strong for her, an above knee amputation takes a while to recuperate from-"
"You don't have to tell me that! I'm an Orthopaedic surgeon for Christ sake!" I snapped, as soon as I said that my hand shot to my mouth. To my surprise Owen smiled "yeah, I'm sorry my bad. You know exactly what to expect." he looked at his shoes with an all knowing look on his face and I knew why.
"I'm sorry Owen, how's Christina?"
"She's still not speaking, not to me, not Meredith.. not anyone. She just lays there staring at the ceiling."
I put my hand on his shoulder and we stood in silence watching Arizona sleep. He jolted all of a sudden and startled me. "I have rounds, I'll see you later?" I nodded and with that he strode away.

I walked to Arizona's bed side and pulled up a chair. I watched her feeling the space that was once occupied by her left leg. I kissed her cheek and shortly after fell asleep resting my head on Arizona's arm.

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