Chapter 3

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Arizona's POV
My eyes began to flicker open, my body felt so heavy. What had happened? I focused my eyes and saw Callie asleep on my arm, she looks so peaceful. I begin to get my bearings and that's when I feel the pain in my leg, even worse than before. I let my hand travel down my body and froze. My leg, my leg was gone. I couldn't breathe. A loud yell escaped my mouth and Callie shot bolt up with wild eyes, the peaceful Callie from a second ago now had a vice like grip on my hand.

Callie's POV
Shit. Shit shit shit! I hadn't meant to sleep for that long I fully intended to stay awake until Arizona came around to prepare her for what had happened. I had no time to even prepare myself for what I was going to say to her!
"I... uh.. your" Callie stuttered.
"You lied to me, Calliope" Arizona was now fighting back the tears that were threatening to spill over. "its gone... my leg is gone" I felt sick watching her patting the space where here leg once lay. I was sat looking at my hands when I felt her small dainty hands begin to slap my arms and chest, I allowed her to I mean she had every right to be angry then I grabbed her arms and held her down. I pulled her into my chest despite her efforts to fight me off I was just too strong. She continued to struggle for another moment and then just let herself sink into my body. She was sobbing and just said 'why' over and over.

Arizona's POV
I couldn't think or speak or even breathe. I was so incredibly furious at her! I wanted her to leave but she kept me pinned to her. I wanted to fight away but she's bigger than I am and In the end I stopped struggling and she actually calmed me down. It wasn't real, it couldn't be, surely? I have no idea how long we lay like that but after what felt like the longest time I pushed her away and looked into her deep brown eyes. She just sat barely being able to hold my gaze for more than a few seconds at a time and then she finally talked "Arizona.. I had no choice you were dying. I couldn't let you die, I know it was selfish but in the moment alls I could think of was the fact that I would be left without my wife-" Arizona interrupted "stop"
"-and Sofia would be left without her mama and-"
"STOP" Callie jumped at the demanding tone in her wife's voice. "Don't you dare make this about you, Calliope." the harsh sounding tone even shocked Arizona as Callie then began to retreat back to the chair she had been sitting in before. Arizona continued "This happened to me, Callie. Not you, me! This is my leg that you decide to chop off against my wishes, you looked me in the eye and you promised! You promised me you'd do whatever it takes to keep my leg" Callie's brows furrowed as she listened intently to Arizona's words. Arizona sat watching her 'how can she sit there so quietly after what she's done' Arizona thought in sheer wonderment. "SPEAK" the angry blonde was truly getting riled by Callie's silence. "I had to don't you understand, Arizona? My decision to have you leg cut off saved your life! If you'd have died you wouldn't have needed that damn leg anyway!" Callie's eyes darted up to meet Arizona's after realising she might have gone too far but instead she saw Arizona's face soften. I'm being unfair but I'm hurting and I know she did it to save my life but right now I don't want to be saved.

Callie's POV
After I said what I said to Arizona she visibly softened and as a result I felt my shoulders release tension I wasn't even aware of. She took my hand in hers and went to speak but the words seemed to catch in her throat. I put my hand on her stomach and stood up. "Callie please" is all the she could get out and I saw from her face she thought I was going to leave her. Instead I took off my lab coat and placed it on the back of the chair and turned back to face her. "May I?" I gestured towards the space in the bed next to her and she nodded her head and with my help moved over a little. I climbed on the bed and she grabbed my shirt in her first and nuzzled her head into my neck just like Sofia has done on so many occasions. Arizona felt so vulnerable in my arms I held her so tight I was worried she'd struggle to breathe but I heard no complaints. I laid a kiss on her forehead and enjoyed the scent of her coconut shampoo.
"I love you, Callie"
A smile crept across my face and I squeezed her tighter.
"I love you too, sweetheart. Get some rest now, I've got you."

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