Chapter 7

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6 months later
Callie's POV
Arizona and I were successful on our first attempt. In 3 months we will be expecting our gorgeous son. Arizona was more than happy to let it be a surprise but I was just too impatient. I want only the best for my gorgeous wife and my baby so when the time comes I'm having Addison Montgomery fly out here to deliver my boy.

Arizona's POV
This pregnancy has gone perfectly so I'm planning to stay at work as long as I can. Calliope isn't too happy about this but she's been warned not to fuck with the hormones. "How's my little man doing today" Callie came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my bump, I love it when she does that. "He's great, he's been kicking all day" I said wincing at my aching back. "I hope you're not hurting your mommy in there little guy" I utterly adore it when she talks to my bump. I was snapped out of my thoughts when she told me she had to work late tonight. "whyyy" I said pouting. "You know I can't sleep unless you rub my back" she rubbed my hand sympathetically. "I wish I could but they're flying in the lead surgeon for Mr Michaels today and Hunt told me I've got to greet them. Why Russell couldn't take the case, I don't know but whoever it is they're bringing in must be some kind of cardio god!" I smiled at my wife's enthusiasm even if it did mean I'd be sleeping alone again tonight. "Maybe I'll wait up for you" I said resting my head against her shoulder. "Don't be silly, you're exhausted! You and little one need some rest! I've asked Derek to take Sofia home with Zola to give you a break" I smiled at her, "you really didn't have to do that honey. Sofia and I do just fine!".
She sat down and pulled me to sit on her lap, "I know that Arizona but you've already worked a 12 hour shift and you're 6 months pregnant" she gave me a kiss and then touched her nose to mine. "I'll be home before you wake up, honey" and with that she shifted her weight so id fall down onto the chair she kissed the top of my head, we exchanged 'I love you's' and she left. I am truly in love with that woman.

Callie's POV
It's been 3 hours since I've said goodbye to Arizona and I desperately want to go home to my pregnant wife and my daughter but no. I'm stuck here waiting for this cardio thoracic surgeon to get here. "Torres!" I damn near jumped out of my skin. I turned round and was faced with Owen Hunt. He saw he startled me and apologised. "The new cardio attending will be landing on the helipad in about 10 minutes, take an intern and go bring them to room 307." I nodded my head and scanned the nurses station for an acceptable intern. "WILSON" my turn to give someone a fright. One of the perks of this job is scaring an intern good. "come with me" I say in a softer tone with a smirk on my face noticing Wilsons wide eyes and heavy breathing. She follows me without any complaints and she attempts small talk in the elevator "Sooo, Dr Robbins is getting kinda huge now, huh?" Time for some fun. "Are you calling my wife fat, Wilson?" I say with a stern tone. Her face was priceless. "What? Err no.. I mean.. uh.. she.. baby.. and" I couldn't keep my face straight any longer I bust out laughing! "That was hilarious, Wilson" she stared at me with her mouth hanging open. I was still laughing when the elevator doors opened then my face dropped. "Hi, I'm Erica Ha-" she matched my expression "you" was all I managed to say. "Do you two know each other?" Wilson said clearly confused by the encounter. "You could say that" Erica sniggered. I however was not laughing. She picked up on the tension and it only caused it to build more. The ride back down to the 3rd floor was awfully silent. Wilson stood between us glancing between us every so often. I was burning holes through the door with my eyes itching to get away from her, even after all these years I was still furious at her for leaving without so much as a goodbye never mind a reason why. The doors open and I was gone! I went down to the tunnels and just sat thinking about what happened. I don't even know why Im as bothered as I am. Perhaps because she was the first girl I was ever romantically and sexually involved with. Everyone knows I wear my heart on my sleeve in relationships, almost everyone I've ever been with I've fallen in love with except Mark but even mark and I had a child together so I do love him. I don't know how long I was sat there I was just about to stand up and I heard footsteps coming towards me. I look up and it's Erica. I'm sure she can tell by my expression that I'm not happy to see her, why would I be after the way she left me. "Why did you come back?" I blurted out. She looked shocked at the frankness. "I honestly didn't think you'd still work here, you were a resident when I last saw you. I thought you'd do your fellowship some place else." I paused for a second, she had a valid point. I looked back up to find she was staring at my hands with a confused look on her face. "You're, you're married... again?" She said it like it was more unlikely to happen than a monkey crawling out my ass. "George O'Mally?" The mention of his name shocked me, that's right she left before George died. My face shot down and tears filled my eyes. "Wait what did I say?" She stepped closer to me and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. It was strange how familiar it still was. "No, not George. George died." her jaw dropped. "What! How?" I couldn't hold the tears and they fell from my eyes and onto my shirt. Erica reached up and wiped them away with her thumbs. "He got hit by a bus. He jumped in front of it to save a girl, he died a hero." I started to sob "oh Callie, I'm so sorry" Erica pulled me into her and I cried into her chest. When I settled down I pulled away, only inches away from her face she kissed me. Her hand holding the back of my neck made it harder to push her away but she got the hint. "Oh my god, Callie I'm sorry. You have a husband what was I thinking?!" I was stunned by both the kiss and the assumption that I was married to a man. "Wife" was all I could say. Erica looked just as shocked as me now. "Oh I see" was all she had to say. "Arizona" Erica looked confused, "what your wife is in Arizona?" I shook my head hard "No! Her name is Arizona and she's a doctor at this hospital! And she's pregnant with my baby!!!" Erica just stood wide eyed "Oh I see, what a name! You don't hear that often. Wait you're, you're gonna be a mom?" I furrowed my brow and shook my head again, "I already AM a mom! Arizona is pregnant with our second child, Sofia is 2 and were expecting our second in three months!" I felt nauseous, what have I done? I had to tell Arizona right? As if Erica could read my thoughts she said "no, please don't tell her. It was a mistake and it won't happen again."
'You're damn right it won't'
I thought. "I don't keep secrets from the woman I love." I could tell it stung Erica to hear those words come from my mouth.
I've got to get out of here. I took off down the tunnel and made my way back to the main floors. I can't go home, not to my heavily pregnant wife after another woman has kissed me. I decided to sleep in an on call room and I'll tell Arizona at work in the morning. I text her telling her I won't make it home and not to worry when I'm not there in the morning and with that I tried to sleep but I couldn't. The evenings events were on replay. I couldn't get Erica out of my mind and I don't know why, did I enjoy the kiss? No Calliope, don't even think about that. I kept picturing telling my wife, even though I haven't technically done anything wrong she will be really hurt. I fell asleep thinking about it.

Arizona's POV
I woke up to find my wife's side of the bed empty still, I checked my cell to see what time it is, it was 3am and I had a text from Callie, I was disappointed to read she wouldn't make it home. I missed her so much, I hope her night has been okay. I put my cell back on the nightstand and closed my eyes I hugged my pillow close pretending it was my Callie and fell back asleep.

---beep beep beep---
It's 6am and I budge my pregnant belly off of the bed to reach my pager. It's a 911 on Lucy Green. A 6 year old girl with a chronic heart defect. I get dressed in a hurry and waddle out of the apartment. I reach Lucy's room and I find an attending already stood over her. "Hello there, I'm Dr Robbins. This is my patient." Erica Hahn turned around and smiled at her. She walked over and shook Arizona's hand. "I'm Erica Hahn!" She beamed. Where do I know that name from? She interrupted me while I was trying to figure it out. "I'm the cardio thoracic attending Chief Hunt brought in for the big case, he asked me to be the on call attending that's why I stole your patient" she said with a light laugh, I laughed along with her. "Ahh you met my wife last night then" I said remembering what Callie said about greeting the new attending. Dr Hahn's face dropped. Her eyes diverted to my baby bump then back at my face. She looked at the name on my lab coat "Uh.. Arizona?" Wow this lady is real weird. "That's my name" I said trying to keep the mood light. She went pale, excused herself and ran out of the room. 'What's her problem?' I thought as I turned around. Hmmm, I think I'll go and find Callie.

Callie's POV
I woke up with a start, my pager was beeping. I reached for it and saw Arizona's name paging me to the very on call room I was half asleep in. I quickly gathered my things and ran in to the hall, I need time to prepare myself for what I was about to tell my wife. I bolted through the door and WHAM. I Landed on my ass with a thud, some lady spread eagle on top of me. When my vision refocused I realised it was Erica Hahn. "Callie? Dr Hahn" I knew who it was straight away. My wife. "This is not what it looks like" Erica blurted out. I shot her a look because it didn't look like anything but two clumsy people not watching where they were going and by the look on Arizona's face I could tell she was thinking the same thing. Wait, did Arizona just call Erica, Dr Hahn?! "You two have met?" I said clearly more paranoid than I should have "uh... yeah.. we yeah" Erica stuttered. Arizona's expression became increasingly paranoid and confused. "Dr Hahn here was paged to one of my patients this morning, isn't that right?" I looked between the two of them. "What's going on here, Calliope?" Arizona asked half fearing the answer. "Dr Hahn excuse us please?" I said in a rather bitter tone. It came out sounding worse than intended. I took Arizona's hand and pulled her into the on call room sitting down on the bed I slept in last night. "Calliope, what is it? You're scaring me now" I took her hand in mine and caressed it gently. "Something happened last night, but I didn't do anything let me make that clear, okay?" Arizona's brow furrowed. "just tell me please" I took a sharp breath and said it. "Hahn kissed me"

Arizona's POV
OH MY GOD. "That's where I know that fucking name from! Erica Hahn is Callie's ex girlfriend." I snatched my hand away from Callie's and looked at her in disgust. She sat there with her eyes glued to mine waiting for a response. I didn't know what to say.. "tell me exactly what happened" she looked down at her hands and took a breath. "Well it came as a shock when she stepped into the elevator. We were completely silent. I was caught off guard so I took off for the tunnels, I needed some space, you know?" I nodded, keeping my face expressionless. "So I was just sat minding my own business and she found me. She noticed my ring and she thought I remarried George O'Mally." I felt my eyebrows shoot up in surprise at the mention of his name, Callie was now looking down at her hands and her voice began to shake. "So I had to tell her he died and I got upset and she comforted me, she gave me a hug and the next thing I know she's kissing me!" My body went stiff. The thought of that woman touching my wife was infuriating. "Did you sleep with her, Calliope?" Callie shook her head violently. "No, no! I pushed her off right away!" I took in her expression for a moment, silently observing her. "Then why didn't you come home?" Callie looked guilty. "Because I didn't want to get into our bed while you were sleeping before you knew about what happened. I couldn't do it, not after another woman has kissed me." With that I crashed my lips into Callie's. "Why did you do that?" She looked so surprised it was cute. I gave her a shallow smile "because I don't want the last person you've kissed to be her" she smiled but it quickly faded. "Do you believe me, Arizona? I really didn't do anything. I shouldn't have let her comfort me but I in no way asked for her to kiss me." She looked so helpless. I took her hands in mine and kissed them. "Of course I believe you, Calliope" I gave her a kiss and stood up. "Where are you going?" Callie shot up and stood in front of me. "To find Dr Hahn." Callie looked worried but she knew better than to try and stop me.

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