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The pain is unbearable. I scream as tingles run along my body and I try to calm myself. I know that I am scaring him but I have no idea what is happening. It feels as if my back just broke and I could have sworn I heard the snap before I screamed. Oh, god I would do anything just for the pain to stop.

This is only the beginning. I'm coming to you now and we will never be apart.

I look around the forest as I try to decipher where the voice came from but I can't seem to focus on anything but the pain. I close my eyes as something else hurts me and I try to fight. I only just accepted him. I can't leave him now that I am finally his. I try to clear my gaze so that I can see him one more time and I hope that it's a smile on my face he sees.

His bushy eyebrows are furrowed in confusion and sweat beads on his forehead. His golden hair cascades around his face as it hangs loosely. His lips are plump from our ministrations as he clenches his jaw. I wish that the relaxed look from earlier would come back. I would give anything to see that look on his face once more. As my eyes finally succumb to the pain he disappears from view and I find myself in a world of darkness.

The first thing I notice is that the pain is gone. I test my extremities as I wiggle each one in turn to make sure. When moving everything doesn't bother me I rise to stand. I look around the room I am in and immediately get confused. Where the hell am I?

"You my child, are in a portion of the ether" I whirl around at the sound of the voice and see a beautiful woman. Her facial features are smooth and pristine. Her hair is perfectly styled on top of her head and held together by two sticks. I can immediately tell that she is either Chinese or Japanese from her facial features. As she moves around me I can't help but to stare at her robing. The pattern moves as if she is surrounded by a river. It almost looks like she is the river.

"Who are you?" I ask her as I look around warily. I have no idea how I got here or where Xander is. Here I sit gawking at a stranger and I could be in mortal danger. I take a step back away from her as she chuckles.

"If I wanted to hurt you child, I wouldn't have brought you here. I handpicked you just for him. You still breathe because of the power that I gave him. He just had to be willing to use it" she states as she gestures for me to follow her. "Come on dear. We don't have much time before your other half joins us" She says as she walks through a blue door that suddenly appears.

I follow her tentatively after I think for a bit. I could have easily attacked her from behind but she gave her back to me anyway. I also didn't see her with any weapons so maybe she doesn't mean me any harm. When I walk through the blue door the room is bright. I have to lift a hand up to shield my eyes as I look around. I smile when I recognize the same meadow that he took me to. The trees are smaller and the flowers are more abundant. All the same it is still the prettiest place that I have ever been.

I walk through the flowers as I look for the older woman. She couldn't have gotten very far. Just as I am about to give up looking for her I watch as a young boy enters the field. Even though he is tall, the chubbiness of his cheeks gives away his age. If I had to guess I would say that he is a teenager. To my shock, he walks right up to me.

"Hey Lady. What are you doing in my meadow" He ask as he cocks his head at me. His eyes move around the forest as if he is trying to see if there are others here.

Unsure of how to answer I decide to think of something quick in reply. "I'm just here looking for someone. I lost my friend just a bit ago" I tell him as I look for the older woman again.

He steps closer to me as he sniffs the air. His eyes flicker gold and I cock my head to the side as I look at the boy more closely. A smile hits my face as I look at his features. His golden hair is much shorter and he doesn't have the muscle mass that I know of now. A cocky smirk hits his face as he looks at me up and down. From that look alone, I know that this is my Xander as a boy.

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