The Last Pieces-Xander

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As I walk through the last of the meadow her lips start a trail up my neck. The heat from her lips is such a pleasant surprise that my steps almost falter. I have to halt them fully when her teeth come in to play and I start thinking about them sinking into my neck. A groan leaves my neck as I tilt it to give her better access.

It almost feels as if her touch gives me strength. The fabric of my robe against my skin is rough and I crave the smoothness of hers pressed against mine. The thought of her hands gliding over the flesh of my muscles is the most erotic thought that I have ever had. My feet start moving again when I can no longer take the torture and it feels like my cock is hard enough to cut glass. I stand shocked as I exit the trees only to realize that I have just come out of the other side of the meadow. I look around in frustration and confusion as I wonder what the hell happened.

"Perhaps that I forgot to mention that we are still inside your head. I would imagine that most things are possible here but that you would enjoy them so much inside your body" she says as she meets my gaze.

"Exit" Ceron growls as he comes forth. Cara immediately rises to his call as I watch the golden flecks appear in her eyes. It seems that they are just as eager to claim each other too.

"F-Follow your gift. Your love will lead you home. Then, you can have us any way that you want to" Cara says salaciously.

My eyes close as I bring her lips to mine in a heated kiss. While I taste our mate Ceron focuses his energy on doing what she said. I know the moment it works because I no longer feel the heat of her lips on mine. The heat in my body is drastically lessened as I take an inhale. The air going into my lungs is like breathing in saw dust. It feels almost as if my chest is about to cave in as I go into a coughing fit.

As I go through it I can feel her hands on my back as they caress me through it. The tingling from her palms is enough to calm me. When the coughing starts to lessen the feeling of her hands on me changes. No longer do I receive the sense of calm from her touch. Instead the feeling is replaced by an intense heat that makes it feel like her touches set my body on fire.

Ceron comes forth to share control as he senses the change in me. We are both prepared this time and we know that things are going to be different between us. Some of the things that we feel are new and exiting. Its almost like our body has been electrocuted and we are full of energy.

When all the pain is gone my back goes ram rod straight as my cock hardens and stands proud between my legs. Her hands still on my back and the sweet scent of her honeyed arousal fills the air. The scent causes me to groan as I lick my lips and I whirl to face her. I pull her face to me and drag her lower lip into my mouth to steal a taste.

Her hands fly to the tie on my robe and I feel as she releases the fabric. The air in this room is cool but it does nothing to dim the heat that I feel in my body. My talons unsheathe all on their own as I shred her robe with them. I break away from her mouth as she is revealed to my gaze. Before she can touch me more, I sweep her off her feet and place her on top of the bed that I woke up on.

My eyes cant seem to focus on anyone part of her as I take her in. The way that her skin shines in the light of this place I can see every facet. Every curve and ever crease. Her breast are fuller than I remember and her nipples stand large and at attention. I groan as I take one into my mouth. Her flavor is sweet and the sound of her keen makes my hands wonder. I take the other one in between my fingers and give it a light pinch. Her back rises off the bed to meet me.

Seeing that she likes that bit of pain I decide to give her more and wrap my teeth around her nipple. The moan she gives is loud and it echoes through out the room. She is much more sensitive here than I remember. I am going to have a lot of fun playing with the changes that her body is going through. Now its time to see if I can make her cum like this. My hand moves faster as I start to manipulate her nipple in a faster motion. I use my mouth to alternate on the other one as I go from using my tongue and then my teeth. Her hand comes up to grab the back of my head as she shouts my name.

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