The Lion's Den-Xander

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And can you feel the love tonight?

It is where we are

It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer

That we got this far

And can you feel the love tonight?

"Would you cut it out? All we did was get her to go along with us. It's not like we got her to agree to be our mate already" I berate my dragon cutting off his horrible singing. I guess he finds it to be a sign of disrespect because he flashes me his tail and gives me his back.

I am allowed to be excited. This is the first sign of trust our mate has shown us. Besides with her holding her hand in mine, all I feel is the love.

I look down at our hands I continue to walk with her. When I notice how good it feels I tighten my hold on her hand just a little more. I could definitely get used to this. Taking a look at her I watch as her eyes repeatedly shift around the forest. I can no longer smell her fear in the air but I can still see it in her demeanor.

You know my singing might work to make her feel more comfortable. I have been studying the children movies that we are supposed to be watching to bond with Magma's kids. The song Into the Unknown would be perfect for this.

"Oh god, no. Please don't" I beg him before he can even start. The women in the clan have already played the song out. They have even had it on repeat in the cafeteria to torture the men. I had to ban the song from being played in certain areas just to get a little bit of peace.

"What? What is it?" she says aloud as her feet halt steps and her gaze moves faster.

Figuring that I scared her I rush to assure her. "No, I was responding to my dragon. There is no danger here. I would smell it before it even close" I tell her. As I spoke she released my hand. I wanted to reach back and grab it but I have no idea if she would welcome the touch now.

"You can smell that well?" she ask after a few moments and our walking has resumed.

"Yes, I can smell the trees, the grass, the dirt. I can smell you myself as well as all the wildlife that are near. I even know that we will be running into one of the pegasi in about four minutes give or take" I tell her as we walk.

"That the second time you have mentioned smelling me. I don't know whether to be flattered or offended" she huffs.

"You should definitely be flattered. Your scent is the best thing that I have ever smelled. Its decadent and sweet. I have smelled so many things in my life, but nothing brings me even close to the pleasure I get from your scent" I tell her as I hold her gaze.

Great, you have broken her again. Stop giving everything away. WE have to have some form of mystery.

Her mouth forms into the shape of an O as if she is shocked by my revelation. I would say that I'm sorry that I said it but I'm not. She deserves to know how appealing she is to me. I just hope that I did a great job at conveying the want that I feel for her. The need for her that I have. Sniffing the air again on a long inhale I almost grown at how her scent has changed. I could almost describe it as the opening of the wildflowers on the first day of spring. Her scent has blossomed and caused me to go hard again. I can barely contain the groan that wants to be released from my lips.

"So, should I just schedule our meeting for later or do you want to stop making kissy faces at each other so that we can talk" A deep baritone says out of nowhere. With pure instinct I take a hold of her body and snatch her behind my back before facing our intruder. I don't even turn when I hear the small yelp that comes from her. A growl leaves my chest as my dragon pushes forward on Maverick. My nostrils flare as I take in the rest of the scents around us looking for anyone else who may be approaching.

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