Arasaka Raid

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The door was locked, why wouldn't it be? No matter, so long as that jamming job worked out fine they wouldn't take notice of a door being unlocked all of a sudden. 

I jacked into the console on the wall and ran a quick program through, as soon as the door slid open the pistol in my hand shot up to cover it just in case there was anyone on the other side. I didn't care what Adrian said, I wasn't going to let my guard down in the slightest.

The door made way to a narrow staircase down to the next floor but before I entered I had to mentally prepare myself for what I was about to walk into. Despite the drug Adrian involuntarily shot into my neck I was still trying to overcome the height of which this job was. Tossing me into a fucking Arasaka building all on my own.

Eventually I gathered the courage to proceed further and soon had my gun aimed over the stair railing to cover below as I slowly made my way down each step to the next landing where I got a view of another door. Despite what I just said about the drug, I have no choice but to praise it and Adrian for jabbing it into my skin, without it I'd probably still be standing in that doorway with every inch of my body shaking, instead, I was as cool as a MaxTac Agent with my head on a swivel while I got to the bottom of the stairs and stared through the thin window in the door. Adrian was right, the floor did seem unfinished as plastic covered some of its windows and most of its walls were even left uncompleted. I didn't see any cameras through the door and the wires hanging from the ceiling gave me hope they weren't installed yet, but as I previously mentioned, I'm not letting my guard down. 

As soon as the door slid open in front of me I shot half of my body out with the gun still raised to cover the left side before immediately turning to the right and covering both sides. Again it was clear and I didn't spot any cameras, Instead, it was pitch black spare for the neon light shining through both the installed glass windows and the plastic-covered ones. A quick sigh of relief escaped my lips as I continued on in search of the next staircase. Some of the rooms down here had been completed and provided solid walls for either me or someone else to hide behind while others only had their metal frames installed leaving me out in the open as I passed through them all the while having my gun trained wherever I looked. 

The silence was getting to me, the only noise that ran through this floor was the consistent flapping of the plastic in the wind, and the muffled street noise down below. With each passing second of hearing these things my paranoia levels grew exponentially before I turned a corner and found another set of doors with an illuminated sign telling me they were the stairs I was searching for. The Anxiety in me shot through the roof as I knew what this now meant, stage two. 

The doors required another quick hack from their terminal before they too slid open and allowed me entry to a much wider set of stairs. I started the process of covering below as I walked down once again all the while mentally praying the Netrunner hadn't noticed my presence. When I got to the next landing I found through the all glass doors that the lights were installed down here and in fact on. Even worse I had no cover as I crept down the stairs with my pistol trained through the glass. Blessed to find halfway down that a wall stood directly opposite the doors and there was no hallway someone could be walking down, even better a wall also covered the left side leaving only the right to potentially have a Saka agent scare the shit out of me as they stood in wait ready to flatline me.

Same strategy, door slides open, shoot out to cover the hall and thank any higher being after finding it to be empty. No cameras either, in fact this floor's roof wasn't complete either and scaffolding lay waiting for the next day at the end of the hall. Except this floor was where the Netrunner supposedly worked, and to never be told what room only complicated things further as now I had to go room by room, or perhaps he'd have guards outside? Maybe even a sign next to the door? 

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