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Getting out was decently easy, NCPD are incredibly fucking oblivious.
All I had to do was walk out of the building, stare at the scene next door for a bit and carry on.

All I could really do now was go home. It was late into the night and I had been working all day, I was exhausted beyond any fucks people could give and deserved the downtime. 

By now it was beginning to rain, hard. I had only just gotten to the edge of the block and was already drenched head to toe. Though my jacket had defended itself as much as it could, by the end of the next block it too was a soaking mess. This entire day had just been awful from the very fucking start till now, it's like nothing went my fucking way, and now the weather is even taunting me!

What the hell happened to my luck in order for it to plummet so drastically? Had I truly done something so vile to warrant it? Who was I to kid around, I don't believe in such shit, it was nothing more than a bad day. Still, it was far too extreme. And who the fuck were they? What the fucks going on with that fucking Netrunner, if he was so important why such soft security? 

Several questions were left unanswered and the whole operation stank of something from the start, It would only just hurt more to think about it. 

But fuck me there was a terrifying feeling stuck in the back of my head that I just couldn't shake. Maybe it was just me overthinking the whole day, maybe it was just me so exhausted after everything that happened today or maybe I was just furious at the whole memory of someone stealing my job from me, a job that could have dropped a huge weight off of my shoulders. 

With each step, I could hear my boots squelch overtop of the heavy downpour as I powered through the weather and made my way towards the elevated metro. It was a lone walk that was for sure, keeping clear of the road as to not get splashed by a car speeding by, passing several people sitting in cover asleep or someone getting jerked off by a machine as their minds are clouded by a braindance in the shade of the buildings. They couldn't care about their own lives, they were too busy jacking up on chrome or fucking joytoys as much as they could. However, despite how I should have the moment I was pulled into the edge, I still haven't let Night City consume me no matter how hard it has tried. I am a prisoner to its concrete structures that there is no lie, I'm stuck here for the rest of my life yet for the life I've lived here it hasn't quite diminished my own conscience. 

As I entered the station, paid for a ride and hopped on the train, A heavy sigh escaped my lips with many more to come I'm sure, the exhaustion of the day was hitting me hard by now and yet the anger from the Arasaka office fueled my adrenaline and kept me standing next to the window as I watched the city fly by. The entire time my mind was filled with 'what ifs' and 'whos' or 'whats'. No matter how many times I say it I'm still so hung up on the thoughts of what went on and what the whole job was about, was someone hiding something? Was Jantex hiding something sinister? Probably not but my mind thought otherwise as it just could not get over the shock from the extreme change of pace today. 

"Who the fuck were they, who the fuck did they work for, what the fuck did they need with him?" I thought aloud as I continued to repeatedly think over every inch of the day. 

Suddenly the train stopped and I realized in time it was where I had to get off, soon I hurried out the door before It closed and continued on my trek back to my apartment with the thoughts never leaving my head for a second. 

Oh, I so wanted to punch that redhead, fuck sake! IT WAS GOING SO FUCKING WELL WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!!! I'M GONNA KILL THEM!! 

The rage in me periodically overtook my actions and it could range from kicking a pile of trash to even chucking a rock at a passing car. Of course, as soon as it struck and the car stopped I immediately booked it out of there, Despite how angry I was I didn't want another fight. 

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