Chapitre 15 : Pete's Heart [+18]

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Pete point of view 

It's my second day off of the week. I decided to spend it in bed with Porsche. We didn't leave our apartment, alternating between watching detective series, some sex session and nap time. 

That's what I've been doing right now for more than half an hour, comfortably on Porsche's right pectoral. He doesn't sleep, spending his hours on his phone communicating with Chay, his little brother, watching funny videos, waiting for me to make myself available for him. He might wait...we've done nine rounds  since we woke up. My butt hurts and I need a rest. I move slightly to stretch and stand up. Porsche lets his hand run over my back and says:

- Did you sleep well, Pete?

- Yes, I am fine...

I turn to him. He looks at me with immense attention, I kneel in front of him and ask:

- What is happening? You stare at me like you're thinking about something...

Porsche is changing the gleam in those eyes. It's not lust, nor interest, as he shows to express his need to fuck me. His face darkens and he grumbles.

- Kinn just texted me to see if you're available.

I look at Porsche in disbelief.

-Available? To do what?

Porsche smiles perversely:

- Maybe he wants to know if I'm done having fun with you to fuck you?

- Stop thinking only about sex, will you? And then...why doesn't he ask me directly? I have a phone and I'm not your looks like he's asking if he can borrow me from you!

Porsche says with great seriousness and with authority:

- You're my property like you're Kinn's, Pete. It was you who decided to have two partners, one for your pleasure and another with whom you want to possibly project yourself into the future. You're the first to say you don't belong to anyone but everyone, so don't complain if Kinn wants you right now.

I look down.

- I'm not's just that...

- That nothing at all Pete. Kinn sent me a message probably because you didn't reply to the one he sent you.

I raise my head.

- What? He texted me and you didn't wake me up?

- Well yes, you were sleeping soundly. You're so cute when you snore, I didn't want to wake you up...

I roll my eyes and lay on my side of the bed to grab my phone and check the notifications. I'm on my stomach, with no blanket over my body to cover it from Porsche's beastly gaze. He pounces on me without warning me.


I barely have time to open my messages app to read the message Boss Kinn sent me when Porsche has already started feeling my ass before banging it. I moan:

- Aaahh....Porsche, what are you doing? Ar...Stop...

I drop my phone and squirm in all directions. Amused, Porsche looks at me mischievously before inserting a finger in my ass. I cling to the sheets of the bed, not taking my eyes off him.

- It always slides so well, baby... hang on Pete... I'm going to finger you...

I bite my lip when he inserts a second and third finger. He begins to move slowly back and forth, wanting to draw me moans of deep pleasure. Of course, my body loves it and doesn't hesitate to show it and make it heard. My legs open a little more and my vocal cords activate to moan with ease. Porsche smiles.

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