Chapter 31: Long Live the Queen

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The Farian King, Leroux, rode up to the Mundus Castle on a white horse with natural sparkles on its main and coat. Farian guards accompanied him.

The sun made his light brown skin glow, showcasing his sunken cheeks. The Farian crown rested on top of his black hair, which was consistent of tight, small spirals – perfectly cut and trimmed so it was shorter on the sides and fuller on the top.

Gold armor clung on top of his wings, forming sharp points with each peak at every tip. More gold armor covered the rest of his body with intricate, faint designs engraved in certain parts of the metal, making it so it didn't reflect light. The armor on his forearms, shins, and shoulders was stacked in such a way it looked like layered sharp feathers.

Leroux's abnormally light blue eyes looked up at the Castle, and he watched the Mundus flag blow in the wind. His white wings – outlined in gold and grey – twitched, and he looked back in front of him. He saw a Knight standing in the middle of the courtyard fully dressed in armor with his sword at his side: the Mundus Captain.

The horse slowed and finally came to a stop.

"Welcome to the Mundus Castle, your Highness," the Captain said as he bowed.

Fernando did have to admit seeing the Farian King in armor was strange – usually, they wore their Royal clothes – but he assumed it was because the King had had to pass through the Monstro Kingdom. Besides, it wasn't his place to question a King, even a King that wasn't his.

Leroux hopped off of the horse and nodded. "Thank you," he said. His voice was deep, but not deep enough to sound like an actual adult. Instead, he sounded more like he was around Raven's and Colt's age, and Fernando heard it, making a sharp pain shoot into his chest like an arrow impaling his heart. However, he had to push his emotions aside and focus on the Farian King.

"Please follow me, your Highness. My King is waiting for you."

Leroux held up his hand, telling his men to stay. Fernando began to walk, and Leroux followed.

"My Captain will join us shortly," Leroux, somewhat awkwardly explained. It was very uncommon for a Captain not to attend these meetings.

"I understand, your Highness" Fernando said, and with that, they fell back into silence.

Fernando led Leroux to the throne room, where a table had been set up for the Kings to discuss their business. Dara and Victor were on the opposite side of the table from the King; there because of Leroux's request. They were simply meant to remain silent.

Once in the room, Leroux's eyes immediately landed on the stained throne.

Arthur was sitting in one of the chairs at the table, and when they entered, he stood. Fernando walked to the side of Arthur.

The two Kings looked each other in the eyes and bowed their heads. Their last meeting hadn't gone particularly as Arthur would have wanted, and he didn't appreciate a teenager showing him up.

Even with Leroux's reputation as a Monstro in Farian's clothing, Arthur had underestimated the young King. He had received the reputation by being one of the happier, bubbly Kings until someone stepped on his feet. Any Official who opposed him had 'accidentally' died, and the Monstros invading his border were mysteriously killed. He had made it clear he didn't like the Monstro, Mundus, or Shifter Kings.

Still staring into each other's eyes, they sat.

"I must admit, I was slightly taken aback when you requested this meeting," Arthur said. "Have you changed your mind about the Peace Treaty?"

"I have not; the Treaty is as I left it. I am against you and the Monstro and Shifter Kingdoms."

"Then, if you're not going to resign the Treaty, why are you here?"

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