Chapter 23: The King Returns

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Standing with the horses, Raven ran her hand on Herbert's nose and sighed.

The sun was barely adding colors to the sky, and most of the village was still asleep.

Upon Richard's order, he and Colt had gone back inside to make sure they hadn't left any of their belongings.

"Today's the day, my dear." Death said as he sat on top of Colt's horse. Raven only nodded. "Scared?" He opened one of Colt's bags and dropped a few things in it, completing his task.

"No, not anymore," Raven said. "They won't see tha items until they reach tha border village–?" Her throat tightly pinched, cutting off the last word. The pinch caused tears to swell in her eyes, and she did everything she could to not let them fall. She didn't want that to be how Richard and Colt remembered her.

"Correct," he assured.

Looking away from Death, she saw Colt and Richard walking to her just as she forced back the tears.

"Yeh sure yeh won't come with us?" Colt asked as he shoved his horse's face away from him before it had a chance to nudge him.

Raven nodded. "Yeah, I'm positive."

"We'll see yeh soon, yeah" Richard said, keeping his voice sturdy and stern. A command.

"Be safe," Raven said.

"We will be. Don't do anythin' stupid," commented Richard.

"I'll try not to."

At once, they all bowed to one another. Raven had one arm across her chest, and the other pushed against the small of her back: the Mundus bow. Colt had both of his arms crossed over his chest, forming an X: the Shifter bow. Richard had one hand over his stomach and the other across his chest: the Farian bow.

They rose together.

The formality of the group broke up when Colt embraced Raven in a tight hug. She returned the favor, closing her eyes and breathing in deeply as she did so. For the first time in years, she realized he had a scent: a hint of leather and the bitterness of metal, somehow creating an earthy smell.

The second they tensed, they pulled away and smiled at one another. Before she could turn towards the old man, he was already embracing her with the strength he usually possessed, but somehow made it tender.

"Be safe, yeh hear?" Richard asked, holding her tense, shaking body against him.

Raven nodded into his chest. "I promise." Her words shook with the forced contact. After a few more seconds, they pulled away. "Yeh guys should go before tha village wakes up." Richard partially bowed and kissed her gloved hand.

They both reluctantly climbed onto the horses, put their cloaks on, and looked down at her.

She faintly smiled.

Richard and Colt slapped the reins against their horses, and they left.

Raven watched as they crossed over the drawbridge and disappeared soon after. She wrapped her arms around Herbert's neck, and he leaned into her touch. In around a minute, she had lost the only real family she had. Not to mention, she was about to meet the King.

"When will tha King get here?" Raven murmured.

"He's ahead of schedule, so in around thirty minutes," Death informed.

Raven pushed herself away from Herbert and walked back into the Castle.

She had to prepare.


Colt and Richard sat in silence, they had been on the road for around half an hour, and Colt, of course, was bored. Richard, however, was content to sit in peace.

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