Chapter 4: Village in the Storm

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Colt pulled out a stolen bottle of alcohol and took a big swig of it, almost immediately spitting it onto the ground. The salty drink burned his tongue, and the large amount that he had swallowed was trying to come back up. It saddened Colt to think that alcohol was making him sick. After all this time in the Kingdom and he still hadn't fully adjusted!

Colt handed the Birra to Raven as he coughed more, knowing that any second the burning would turn to warmth. She took a large drink of the beverage as Colt and Richard watched on in slight horror. Raven began to cough and gag at the horrible taste, waiting for it to run through her system and begin to calm her.

Still gagging, she held out the bottle for Richard to take even though they knew he wouldn't. He grabbed the Birra and shoved it back into Colt's bag.

"At least the Farian knows his limits," Colt said with a smile pulling at the corner of his lips.

"Unlike yeh two," he grumbled. "When we get to the next village, I need to look at yer hand an' shoulder."

Raven sighed as a response, but nevertheless gave him a thumbs up.

The group spurred their horses forward. Despite being in a rush, they only faintly trotted. If those men came back or Knights appeared, they didn't want to be blindsighted. This would be how they traveled, walking and running to make sure they were going to the correct place within the appropriate time.

Raven pulled out the map and placed it on the back of Herbert's neck. She studied it as she crossed her legs on top of the saddle.

Colt's blades on the top of his hands extended, and he began to slowly rub them together, 'sharpening' them despite them never becoming dull.

Richard's wings appeared. He propped them up on the back of his horse and leaned against them. Breathing in deeply, he relaxed, knowing the peace wouldn't last long.

Despite only a few seconds having passed and knowing the speed would increase, Colt still voiced his thoughts, "I'm bored."


Rain violently thudded against everything and one.

Richard was using his wings as a shelter of sorts to protect the map from the water.

Raven's hood was over her head with the piece of cloth that covered her nose and mouth hooked into place. One hand was shielding her eyes, and the other one was holding onto the reins with all of her strength.

Colt's mouthpiece and hood were on as well. His free hand mimicked Raven in an attempt to protect his eyes.

"How far away are we?!" Raven yelled to Richard, who could barely hear her over the thudding rain and whistling wind.

"A few more miles!" Richard shouted as he quickly shoved the map back behind the safety of his wings.

Lightning struck near them, and a deafening bang shot through the air.

Raven quickly grabbed the reins with both her hands and pulled back before Herbert had a chance to bolt. Richard did the same, but Colt wasn't so fortunate. His horse bucked and took off in a full sprint, sending Colt tumbling to the black mud with a hard thud. He slowly got up as he groaned loudly, the pain already making quick work of spreading throughout his body.

Colt's sides throbbed, his back ached, and his muscles screamed in protest. He froze for a second, the ache becoming too similar to the beatings he endured when younger. For a terrible, agonizing second, he was back in his old Kingdom with blood that wasn't all his coating his body.

He didn't want to fight anymore!

He didn't want to kill anymore!

He didn't–

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