Chapter 2: standoff over nothing

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Lol my min words for these are 2000 words by the way but this one's short since it's in Sam's POV (3rd person restricted)

Sam stood there with memories that weren't his, furrowing his eyebrows. The boys were cackling in his head.

Dude, Sam just imprinted -Jared
That... that is funny -Paul
Shut up
Awww is the Alpha upset- Jared
Jared, istg you're so done when I get home
Oh shit better run Jary hahaha- Paul
You guys are assholes-Jared.
Yeah you should run JARETT >:(
Not that nickname again ;-;-Jared
I'm telling Mr. Black that you're being an asshole again Paul >:(-Jared
Hey! That one was Sam! You think you'd know that with how fucking loud he is _눈 -Paul
*thinking of memes just to annoy them* :) - Jared
Jared, do you like jokes because they're funny or because you are one ¬) - Paul
You need therapy () -Jared
Alright ladies, you're both pretty, shut up

Sam gets home, changes, and puts on a shirt, the 2 boys walking and doing the same. "Hey boys, what's going on? You never wear shirts unless it's important" Emily appeared with her fiancé Dylan. "We're meeting Sam's imprint" Jared blurts. "Shut up, Jared. I still need to break the news to Leah" Sam punched the smaller boy in the arm. Jared rolls his eyes. Said girl was already in the home. "What news, Sammy?" She asked. Paul clapped Sam on the shoulder.

Honesty is the best quality. -Paul
Not always, and stop it with the "imagine imprinting" shit. It's pissing me off. Don't think we all can't hear it
Can't relate ;) -Paul

Paul grabbed Jared and tugged him outside to play some ball.

Mr. Black came wheeling in. "Tell her Sam. Leaving her in the dark will do her no good" he told the younger boy. Leah looked at Sam with worry. "Leah we uh- need to break up. This has nothing to do with you- I just went through a lot of change during the time I went off-grid. I loved you with all my heart, but that change made me a different person and I know I don't want to hurt you and you and I being together will hurt you so... I refuse to continuously hurt you. Im sorry" he told her. She immediately left with tears welling up.

One car pulled away while a bike pulled in. The engine went off. Jared went over to see Sam's imprint while Sam watched from the porch. Y/n turned around and locked eyes with Jared as she had with Sam. Jared froze. Holding hands, cuddling, running down the beach with...her. Memories that weren't his own flickered through him.

Ahahahaahahahhaa! You guys imprinting may be the peak of humor since I turned! Omg, I can't stop laughing! This is hilarious! -Paul

Truth be told, Paul never wanted to imprint. Being tied down to one person for the rest of his forever was something he was both afraid of and disgusted by. Not being tied down let him be whoever he wanted, and not only that, but do whoever he wanted.

"Hi, I'm Jared" Jared smiled and shook y/n's hand gently. He held it for to long and pulled away. He was trying so hard to be professional. It was cute and it made her giggle. He could swear, his knees almost buckled. He felt near crying in happiness. He never wanted to be separated from her. Now he knew how Sam was feeling. She made his animal spirit stir unrestfully. Paul walked over, unconsciously avoiding her eyes.

Ooh Jared we scared Paul
In seriousness (hah something I never say) you can't avoid it forever. It'll only hurt your spirit if she is in fact your imprint too -Jared
I'm not afraid. There is no way she's my imprint too. And I'm not avoiding h- it -Paul

Something deep in his spirit was burning when she shook his hand. After the gesture was completed, he retracted his hand and looked at it. He felt hot. More than usual.

If you're not avoiding it, then look into her eyes
Fuck off, Jared!
Stop being such a puppy and do it! Or are you a scaredy cat

With this stated, he looked into y/n's eyes to see so much joy and comfort in memories he hadn't made with her yet. Jacob brought her inside to meet Sam officially. Paul dropped to his knees. "No" he said. "You can't avoid it, Paul. She's your imprint. The wolf spirit knows. It'll only get angrier if you avoid her" Jared said before following y/n inside like a lost puppy. Paul went off into the woods.

It wasn't till he was at the treaty border that he realized how far he went. He saw the Cullen's chasing a buck with skill. Alice caught his scent. Specifically, y/n's scent in his fur. She stopped and went to the edge of the border with Paul meeting her. He could smell y/n on her and for some reason, it pissed him off.

Paul, I'm sending Jared your way. If that bloodsucker is anywhere near y/n ever again-
I know Sam. Keep your cool. I've got it -Jared

Paul snarled. "Why have you got y/n's scent on you!?" Alice got angry, which was unusual for the vamp. Her clan joined her. Jasper kept her from jumping onto Paul and ripping him to shreds. Edward cackled.

"He imprinted on her. So did the other 2" Edward laughed. Alice was pissed. "You mutts" she growled. Jasper grabbed her around the waist before she could pounce. He sent calming waves through her nerves. "We have no quarrel over the girl. She's a person, not an object. Our clan mate, Alice, simply feels strongly for the girl's safety, as do you" Carlisle told the wolf. Jared arrived, almost as pissed as Paul. Something would happen. Wether or not anyone could stop it came down to the 2 parties involved.

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