Chapter 4:wilder ways

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Happy New Years
And valentines

Also I'm really proud of this chapter
Word count~~1193


Dr. Cullen watched his adopted children whisper to each other. They seemed upset about something. This made him concerned. Esme pulled the blonde into the kitchen. "Love, you're worrying again," she attempted to catch his gaze, however to no avail, as his eyes were glued to his clan mates in the other room.

"Something's going on, and I intend to find out," Carlisle absently answered. "Darling, if it's something they want to talk about, they would have," Esme rested her hands on her beloved's chest, playing with the collar of his shirt. He bit his lip. "I think I should give them the opening to speak," he locked eyes with his lover, resting his forehead to hers. He then left her hands empty and her gaze wandering, waltzing to his children. Esme wasn't upset by this; in fact, his fatherly instinct is yet another thing that drew her in. She proudly smiled, but her heart did ache.

You see, a certain scent wafted around the home, something she had not recognized before. It confused her. She loved her husband, and she'd thought to with her whole heart. So what thing could stir up space in her chest, yet leave it empty. Her cold heart had only beat for her significant other, her mate, but now? Now, she was obsessed, puzzled, and enamored by this scent. It made her brain fuzzy with how warm it was, like vanilla. But it shocked her senses with a citrusy zing, like oranges.

"So, how was school?" Carlisle addressed. Edward knew it was more than just the question itself. It was worry. Jasper could tell that much as well.

Edward listened keenly to his father-figure's mind.

What's this scent? If not theirs, then whose? What can't they tell me? Why whisper in my presence? I need an explanation.

"Carlisle, calm yourself. It's the human girl which Alice has gotten herself mixed up with," Edward chuckled lightly.

Ah yes, the human girl that Carlisle had only heard about, never having seen or met her. Carlisle went lax, but remained confused.

"We smelled the trackers on her. We're trying to figure out what to do," Alice revealed. Jasper could feel how worried she was.

"Do you think the trackers will go after her?" Carlisle asked. "I-I don't know, maybe? I don't want to chance it," Alice was stressed about this human. Why? It was just a human, especially in Rosalie's eyes.

But she knew Carlisle wouldn't risk a human life. She sighed.

"Give her a tour of the town, ask her to stay over, and bring her here. If it's the only way to keep her safe. Tomorrow, we'll see if she knows anything yet and continue from there," Rosalie planned. "Okay. I'll call her and go pick her up," Alice grabbed a mobile phone and started out. "Edward, you get to Bella's. Keep an eye out for the trackers," Edward nodded at Carlisle's orders.



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Alice and y/n walked through town, y/n taking pictures of signs and buildings. "I noticed a gap in your picture album..." Alice decided to converse. "Oh, uh, I just didn't take any pictures," y/n checked the picture she'd just taken. "Why?" Alice asked. "I-... I just didn't, I guess," she shrugged. Alice knew it was something else, but she knew better than to press it. Instead, she grabbed y/n's hand gently. Y/n looked over at her.

Alice felt unnaturally warm, staring into y/n's wide, doe eyes. Y/n grinned and looked away. Alice rested a small smile on her own features.

"You should stay over at mine tonight," Alice suggested. "Hm. Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be a bother," y/n giggled softly. "Of course I'm sure. And you're not a bother. You're actually incredibly pleasant to be around," Alice's smile got wider. "Okay, I'll stay over," y/n nodded.

So after some time, y/n was satisfied with the pictures and decided it was time to go.

She fell asleep in the car and Alice tried her best to keep from hitting potholes. Y/n was left undisturbed the entire ride.

Alice picked y/n up easily, as if she weighed nothing— fairly, in Alice's arms, she didn't.

Jasper anticipate their approach and opened the door. Y/n looked so small curled into Alice's arms. Esme smelled y/n's scent and felt something stir in her heart.

She watched Alice walk toward the couch. "Hold on, Alice," Esme called gently, rushing off to find a blanket and pillow.

She set the pillow down, letting Alice lay y/n's head onto it. Y/n stirred, turning on her side and pulling her legs close to her. In the fetal position, Esme spread the blanket over her.

She sat on the floor, staring at y/n's face.

Such soft, gentle features. Esme found herself brushing her fingers over y/n's face, brushing hair behind the girl's ear. Esme's eyes searched y/n's face, memorizing every small detail. She listened to y/n's breathing, counting the seconds between each exhale and inhale. She counted
y/n's freckles, almost like stars, her eyes idly dragging over the naturally marked skin, forming mental constellation across y/n's cheeks and nose.

Esme swiped her thumb back and forth over
y/n's cheek.

"She's... magnificent," the low mutter was almost upon deaf ears, almost too quiet for the enhanced hearing of her clanmates.

"I already knew that," Alice smiled softly, enjoying the sound of y/n's breath and running her fingers through the girl's H/C tresses. Her breathing... It was dulcet, a low, soothing sound; The rhythm of the living.

The pattern, the fill and emptying of her lungs, it was so euphonic; it was like the bass beat of her heartbeat.

"She's pretty," Emmett just grinned. Rosalie breathed out in a laugh, nudging her mate, though she knew it was the truth.

Her scent— oh, her scent. It had Esme and Alice all the more enthralled. That orange-vanilla scent had them hanging by threads over a pit of complete obsession.

"Alright, let her rest now, keep her in till dawn. Till she wakes, we should hunt as not to get antsy around her, shall we?" Carlisle watched his clanmates shift. His eyes long for the girls shape just as much, but it would have to wait.

"Well, let's," Esme caught herself from becoming anymore consumed by y/n's figure and the many things that revealed themselves the more she admired her.

She stood, brushing off her clothing. Alice uncurled her fingers from y/n's messy locks, following suit with Esme. The others did also, however Rosalie lingered for a moment, brows crease as she stared at y/n's sleeping form. She was no longer "some human" to her. And this girl was threatened by danger, this girl whom was much more was in danger. So why did rose have to leave, especially while her little mortal was in such a vulnerable state?


She looked up at the address of her name, staring into Edward's amber-yellow eyes, though they were turning darker by the second.

"She safe,"

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