5 ~ Satan Doesnt Like Homos

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Dean watches blood drip from the top of his nose, the sound of it splatting on the concrete echoing in his ears. He doesn't get the chance to take another breath before a knee comes crashing into his ribs, sending flames through his stomach. It knocks the air from his lungs and he gasps for breath, demanding himself to breath, but he's forgotten how. He wheezes and coughs. The breath he finally takes feels like paradise.

The collar of his shirt is gripped and he's yanked to his feet so hard he doesn't feel the ground for a second. His head and back come in contact with the cold, hard wall. He hears the pop of his skull on the concrete and his vision goes blurry for a second. Loud ringing in his ears, stars in his vision, and everything seems louder.

After a flash of light, Dean recognizes the outline of Castiel behind his attacker. The man swirls around to stab him with a blade fallen from his sleeve but Castiel wrenches his arm, and twists it so far he drops the blade. It clatters to the ground. Dean sways on his feet and holds a hand to the wall for balance. When darkness starts stealing away his vision and the room spins, he doesn't know what's real anymore.

He opens his eyes, not knowing they were closed, only to see a beaten and bloody Castiel standing in front of him, a blade to his neck, and Lucifer behind him. "You really couldn't defend yourself, could you, Dean Winchester?" he cackles. Castiel flinches as the blade shifts over his neck.

"Please," Dean forces out, but he can't hear himself. The taste of iron as he swallows his own blood makes him want to gag. "Don't hurt him."

Lucifer expresses pity and shakes Castiel, forcing him to take a step closer to Dean, and he pushes the blade harder against his throat. "Aw, don't hurt your little fallen angel? Why shouldn't I?"

Defeated, Dean stares into Castiel's eyes. "Lucifer..." he whispers, looking up at him. One of Dean's eyes is swollen shut. Dean drops his chin to his chest, then falls to one knee, then to the other. He sits back on his heels. "Please..." he repeats. "He didn't do anything."

"Dean-" Castiel begins, his voice rough, but Lucifer jerks his shoulder to shut him up. A small cut in his neck glows blue and reflects off the blade. Castiel clenches his fists.

"There's no going back now, Winchester," Lucifer smirked. He slides the blade harshly against Castiel's throat and the angel's mouth falls open. Lucifer kicks the back of his knee, sending him to the ground.

"No.." Dean can't bring his voice more than a whisper. He looks around, but Lucifer has disappeared. He crawls over to the angel who clutches his neck tight as blood seeps through his fingers. "Cas, I'm sorry," he whispers. A single tear leaks from his eye and he puts a hand on either side of Castiel's face. "Listen to me, it's okay. It's going to be okay."

Castiel begins to give Dean his weight and Dean slowly lays him on his back looking down at him. Castiel opens his mouth to speak and Dean brings his face closer, tilting his ear to Castiel's mouth. "I... Lo-ve y-ou," he chokes out.

Dean's breath catches in his throat and he lifts his head to look at Castiel, but every last ounce of life has already drained away. His bright blue eyes are now dull, and his mouth that used to be Dean's definition of happiness is now slack, blood dripping from the corner. A drop of water lands on Castiel's cheek.

Dean clutches his angel's shoulder as he struggles to breathe. Disbelief carries his mind away and he lays his head on Castiel's chest. "No, no, no..." he blabbers. "Cas," he sniffles, shutting his eyes tightly, then relaxing. "I..." he laughs, "I love you too."

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