Yujiro Hanma x Yandere Reader

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Thank you to YaeMitsukiTsugikuni for requesting! Quick PSA: uhhh, I'm not trying to romanticize this sort of relationship or BPD or anything. Don't do this, by the way, this is strictly fiction. I'm saying this, since I'm aware there are younger kids on Wattpad. Also, trigger warning for murder in detail and false nails ripping off. Gakupo solos.

  You and Yujiro had gone out to eat, since Yujiro really enjoyed the people's reactions to him. He basked in the glances he'd get as he walked down the street, feeling his ego enlarge as some people would step aside for him. He knew you were a jealous person, so he would purposely push your buttons by flirting with waitresses and random women on the street. He loved watching you kill the women in hundreds of ways in your head and how your fists would clench until your nails dug crescent shaped indents into your palms. As of right now, you were happy that Yujiro wasn't flirting with anyone at the moment, too busy eating.

  However, you remembered something that happened earlier. A woman came up to Yujiro and tried seducing him while the both of you were waiting for your food. She altered her voice to be the perfect mix of sultry and innocent, pushing her chest out so she could show off her chest to him. Her breasts were clearly fake, abnormally round and large, looking as if she has stuffed beach balls into her tiny dress.

  As you both left the restaurant, you wrapped both of your arms around Yujiro's bicep. You silently hoped that would drive any women away, but a certain somebody caught you eye. You saw a woman exit the establishment, the same women who decided it would be a good idea to flirt with your beloved Yujiro. You looked up at him, playing it cool.

  "I just remembered! I left something in the restaurant. Since I know you hate waiting, you can keep walking home and I'll meet you there, okay?" He gave you a simple grunt and continued walking, while you turned around and followed the woman. You don't remember her name, you were too busy invisioning her corpse to recall if she ever even said it. Either way, you were going to kill her.

  Watching as she sauntered down the street, you looked around. You were thankful that this area was dark and, since it was dark, not too many people were out. If you were swift, you were sure to get away with this. Rummaging through your bag, you found a garbage bag and a knife, though you thought that it would make too much of a mess. You ultimately decided that you'd just strangle her; there would only be her corpse to clean up, and you could just bandage your arms up afterwards if she struggled.

  Following her a bit further down the street, she finally turned to go down an alleyway, one with a convenient dumpster. You turned the corner and watched as she pulled out a cigarette and lit it, the flame illuminating her face and her hands. She heard your footsteps and looked up at you from her cigarette. "Want one?" She asked, gesturing down to her open bag, the cigarettes rested atop the usual items within a girl's bag. You shook your head, pursuing her further. You grabbed her cigarette and tossed it to the ground, putting it out with your foot. She opened her mouth to yell at you, but you quickly shut her up.

  You wrapped your hands around her throat, squeezing as hard as you could. All of your unbridled rage bubbled to the forefront of your mind, making you stronger than normal. She kicked you, though her heels flew off of her feet. She gasped and gargled, pleading with you to let her go and for someone to come to her aid. She flailed about, scratching at your arms until her false nails popped off and fell to the ground.

  The woman's nails bled as her false ones ripped off her real nails beneath, leaving her left with nothing to scratch you with by the time she lost consciousness. After a while of strangling her to make sure she was dead, you turned around and reached for your bag, grabbing the trash bag. You noticed a shadow and looked up, noticing Yujiro at the entrance of the alley. You gasped and stood up, dusting your knees off.

  "Y-Yujiro!" He chuckled, shaking his head as he came closer. "I knew something was up when you said I could just go home. You never leave my side, y'know?" He leaned in and looked to where the woman was sprawled out, her face still contorted from her final moments alive. "I didn't think you had it in you to murder. Though, I gotta say, it's hot that you'd kill who I flirt with." Yujiro grabbed the trash bag from your hands and opened it up.

  "Quickly now." You nodded, grabbing the woman's body and shoved her inside the trash bag. Without any effort at all, Yujiro closed the bag tightly and shoved her into the dumpster, putting his hands on his hips afterwards. "Can't say I've ever had anyone kill for me before. Anyway, I'm going home." He turned and you quickly followed, hugging his bicep to your chest as the both of you went back to his house.

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