viii. | sulfur leads to demonic possession

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Disclaimer; I don't own Supernatural. Planes Crash. And apparently, Clowns Kill.

Phantom Traveler; Part One

"Be sure to put your feet in the right place, then stand firm." -Abraham Lincoln

EMERY GASPED, TRYING TO GET THE air back into her lungs. She clawed and kicked, trying to get to the surface. But whatever was holding her down had a death grip and wasn't letting go anytime soon.

It was dark and Emery could feel the water filling up her lungs. She just hoped that Lucas was safe. And she hoped John was proud. Proud of the boys. Proud that she had kept his secret.

She thought maybe John would come to her funeral. He would see the boys there, along with Bobby Singer, and he would explain what he is doing.

Emery closed her eyes, finally at peace, before she felt herself get dragged through the water by something. She screamed

–and sat upright, Dean sitting in front of her on the motel bed.

"Emery! Emery! It's alright! You're not near anything that could hurt you," Dean soothed, the girl launching herself into his arms.

The comforting feeling it brought her was a relief which made Emery sighed in content.

"What time is it?" Emery asked, looking around. It was still dark, except for the light that was dimly glowing from the T.V. Sam looked like he was asleep (but probably wasn't), and Dean was looking groggily around. Emery noticed the glint of the knife that Dean usually kept under his pillow –but grabbed when Emery had shot awake– and laughed a tiny bit.

"Around one thirty A.M.," Dean answered before he yawned. Emery gave him a sleepy smile.

"We should sleep," Emery whispered, grabbing the knife that was thrown on the bed and pushing it back under Dean's pillow. She then laid down, Dean right beside, and she snuggled up to him.

Her cold skin was ignited when his arm wrapped around her, a feeling of security coming with it. Emery fell asleep in a matter of seconds.


Emery awoke (again) to Sam and Dean fighting about when Sam last slept. He was obviously still dreaming about Jess, and as Emery took her black coffee from Sam, she could see how tired he really was.

Emery got up and walked to her bag, which was on the other side of the room. She could feel eyes on her butt, and laughed as she noticed both the boys staring at her. She was wearing a pair of short spandex shorts (from a sports team she had joined for a month) and a normal tank top.

She grabbed a pair of jeans and a Triumph band tee, before walking into the bathroom. Emery peeled off her nightclothes, before dressing in the ones she chose.

When she walked out again, Dean was on the phone with someone. Sam sent her a smile, and Emery, trying to keep herself preoccupied, made sure to brush her teeth and hair.

"... You, Emery and your dad help me a few years back," Emery heard, and rolled her eyes. Those phone speakers made his voice way to loud.

Emery tuned out the rest of the conversation, checking her phone to see if John or Bobby or someone had called. Weirdly enough, she had a voice mail. So, she quickly dialled the number and checked it.

"Thank you for flying with United States Airlines, we appreci-" Emery hung up the phone. Those stupid things had always seemed to skip over her but it seemed her luck had run dry.

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