xxxv. | trust your gut

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Disclaimer; I do not own Supernatural. Dean would probably have a stable girl in his life to tell him how loved he is if I did.

All Hell Breaks Loose Part One; Part One.

"And I fell in love with the way you fall asleep. Slowly, then all at once." -John Green.

EMERY DIDN'T KNOW WHY DEAN NEEDED pie so badly. They had been travelling how many hours without any complaint from the man about his hunger, or anything for that matter, but then all of a sudden, he was hungry. Emery had sighed from the back seat of the Impala, knowing that her and Sam were going to have to go fetch everything.

Dean handed Sam enough cash, Emery sighing as she stepped out into a puddle of water. "And don't forget the extra onions this time."

"I did that purposely last time, Winchester. I didn't wanna kiss your gross, onion mouth," Emery shot back. She rolled her eyes, Sam getting out of the Impala after grabbing the cash.

"Hey, see if they got any pie!" Dean called, Sam ducking back into his view. Emery sighed through her nose, her boot impatiently tapping the ground as she waited for the younger Winchester. Sam breathed a heavy sigh too, before slamming the door on Dean.

Together, the Winchester Wilson duo made their way into the super small diner, Emery faintly hearing Dean call at them to bring him pie. Emery rolled her eyes, before walking into the small building with Sam behind her.

"Hey, could we get some service," Emery asked the waiter who was pouring a costumer coffee. He smiled politely at her, agreeing before going into the back to go get whatever he needed.

Suddenly, Emery didn't know what was happening. There were people surrounding her and Sam, as well as black smoke flying around them. Demons. She tried to fight, she had. The girl also tried to get Dean's attention, who was looking around wildly for something. Emery had tried to scream his name, when something hit the back of her head and the world slipped into darkness as she fell.


Emery woke up in a darkened place. She didn't know what was going on or how she got there. All she knew is that she couldn't see an inch in front of her face. With the back of her head pounding from being knocked unconscious, the girl rose slowly to her feet. She swayed a little, before her hand found the wall of wherever she was. Emery scrunched up her nose at the feeling of rotted, damp wood. She never liked the feeling.

Wanting to get out of wherever the hell she was, Emery took a step back shakily, before she took a deep breath. She needed to find Sam and then somehow get them back to Dean. Sammy was her responsibility right now. So, with as much strength as she could muster, the girl slammed her shoulder into the rotting wood. Emery heard it crack from the pressure of the hit, though it was a lot sturdier than she thought it would be.

Taking a step back again, Emery repeated the action. Her shoulder started to hurt as she repeatedly slammed her shoulder into the wood over and over again, trying to get out of what felt like a prison cell.

After about five more tries, the wood finally broke under her assault and Emery went flying out of wherever. She landing in a puddle of mud, shoulder cracking loudly. She felt herself scream in pain, knowing she dislocated it. Now she really need to find Sam.

She walked around, feeling lopsided as her one arm hung lower than the other, pain shooting through her body as she searched. It hurt. Hell, it hurt like crazy and Emery would rather die another time then dislocate her shoulder. When she heard a scream, Emery felt her reflexes kick in. She ran to the sound, one arm swinging painfully as she ran.

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